So proud of you Kelsey!!!!! Here is her whole story!!!! You are - TopicsExpress


So proud of you Kelsey!!!!! Here is her whole story!!!! You are beautiful!!!!! Here goes nothing, finally hit my 90 day mark with Skinny Fiber! No more migraines, no more digestive meds, my hair grows so much faster, and it has helped my moods tremendously! I am so thankful God lead me to this product because it has changed my life! I went from 153 to 130! 3 months ago I use to drink 8-10 Dr. Peppers a day, I still drink one a day. I also didnt eat as much due to feeling full. All I did was drank lots of water and took my Skininy Fiber consistently! No excercise and no diets. YAAAAY! This is my very personal testimony: In fourth grade, I was bullied intensely until 6th grade and it changed my life. They made fun of a lot of things, but one that sticks in my mind was my weight. Ive always been the ugly duckling, the fat kid growing up. In 7th grade, they stopped because they got into sports and started hanging with the popular kids in higher grades, and I completely quit speaking to everyone. For those who know me, you arent gonna believe this, but I wasnt even be able to make eye contact with people. I would walk with my head down, didnt speak a lot at all, and when I did I wouldnt have much to say. Even though the bullying stopped, it terrified me that if I showed my true colors, I would get made fun of. I developed an eating disorder at 13 (2005) and it continued off and on until I was 20 (2012). I weighed 174 my senior year of high school, the heaviest I ever weighed and I decided to make a positive change and try to quit my disorder. So softball started, I started drinking a lot of water, ate healthy, and I dropped about 10-15 pounds. Then I discovered Adipex. My best friend ever! I lost around 40 more pounds from that, but it came with baggage. I got severe migraines every other day, I would only go to the bathroom once every 2 or 3 weeks, it almost broke my husband (boyfriend/fiance at the time) up, and I would just gain the weight back right after I got off. But it was my quick fix even though it was completely ruining my life. I was on it for two years, and my health issues just got worse. Even with Adipex, I never felt beautiful or skinny.. Ive felt worthless my whole life when it comes to looks. I would walk by the mirror and CRINGE because of my reflection. Its horrible not being able to accept yourself for who you are and what you look like, I never could.. until I found Skinny Fiber. It has done wonders for me. Im okay with being at the weight Im at now if I can keep losing inches. For once in my life, I FEEL beautiful. Ive finally gained the confidence I shouldve had a long, long time ago. I finally understand that God doesnt make junk, but I have to feel beautiful first in order to comprehend that. So I made a change.. and its made me HAPPY.. Finally. Im thankful for that experience though because its taught me so much. Like I never judge anyone based on their appearance because of the torture I went through, and that was another reason why I did this. So my children will NEVER feel how I felt. The only way to do that is to get healthy so I can learn healthy habits before they get here and teach them those. I also want to live long enough to see my grandkids graduate and even my great-grandkids graduation. I wish this stuff was around back then, because I wouldve been on it in a heartbeat. I am thankful God put this wonderful product in my path.. because its changed my life for the better. No more migraines, no more digestive meds, my hair grows so much faster, and it has helped my moods tremendously. I am so thankful God lead me to this product because it has changed my life! I went from 153 to 130! This is me, I am real. Im just like you. Nothing more and nothing less. Skinny Fiber changed my life. are you ready to order?? 30 day empty bottle guarantee!!! one bottle is 59.99 buy 2 get one free 119.99 buy 3get three free 179.99 order here-- KatherineM.eatlessfeelfull/
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:33:22 +0000

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