“So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the - TopicsExpress


“So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.” (Romans 14:19) The world is often seeking after what another has, but the faithful are called to preserve and protect the other. This contrast is what living in the call of grace produces. We are to build one another up and encourage each other to live according to the call each person has in the Lord. It is not a matter of ability, but of equality in the need to be encouraged to live the Gospel life. Lord, help me see that the more important thing is not what I gain, the abilities I exercise, or how far I can push myself along the road of faith, but that it is in helping those around me to be encouraged and strengthened as well. Grant me balance in all I say and do that I may be an encouragement to those around me that they too would be strengthened and grow in grace. Thank You, Lord, for showing the clear difference in the upward call of faith. Help me today to live by that call knowing that those around me, my neighbors, are equally important in Your eyes. Help me to be an encouragement to others today that I may fulfill the call You have given me to love my neighbor as myself and thereby prove to be a faithful disciple. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 13:26:00 +0000

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