So this Saturday is the charity tournament I spoke about last week - TopicsExpress


So this Saturday is the charity tournament I spoke about last week and the full list of purchasable upgrades have been posted. You can purchase tickets throughout the tournament to use. Here is a quick rundown of some of the items that can be purchased. a 4+ invulnerable that goes to a 3+ if the model already has a 4+. This is purchased per model. Vehicles have to pay double for this. The affect only lasts until the controlling players next turn, this is pretty standard for almost all the upgrades 5+ FNP for the unit Infiltrate or scout for any unit, bought before the game Flan Missiles is one of my favorites you can purchase interceptor and/or skyfire And my particular favorite is the ability to have a ranged weapon from the tables next to yours fire on your opponent if within range and line of sight. There are many others but I think these are the ones I am going to key in on. You can also use tickets to set up your army before the tournament starts such as using a 500 point sideboard, an unbound list and different factions and even 30k armies, I am bring my Mechanicus. Thinking of having a stripped down Magos, maybe a Lachrimalus as my HQ, either a full 20 man unit of thralls or 2x 10 man squads and maybe some Thallax as my troops. Trying to decide on how many Castellax to bring, thinking 3-4 minimum. The Venator is a must have with the flan missile upgrade it should be the bane of any flyers my opponents might bring. Also thinking that infiltrating irradiation engine destructors would be just sick and wrong. The sideboard I am trying to figure out. Thinking maybe I will bring my Knight Paladin and swap him in and out with a Thanatar, depending on whether I have 2+ or 3+ in front of me. You can purchase cover saves as upgrades so the Thanatar with his -1 to cover saves and reroll successful cover saves would help mitigate that. Its all for charity and I like this charity so I usually kick in and get a lot of tickets. We have raffles that you use the tickets for which is also nice. Last year I won a custom Daemon Prince painted up by Goatboy of Bell of Lost Souls. This year I donated the Crusade Army and Isstvan Campaign books that Alan Bligh signed for me at last years Weekender. Got any suggestions on how I can cheese this army out? You can pay to get your stuff Objective Secured, so in theory I could run an unbound Mechanicus army and buy they OS.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 14:02:14 +0000

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