So, this bundle of love has survived Parvo as a puppy (and yes he - TopicsExpress


So, this bundle of love has survived Parvo as a puppy (and yes he was vaccinated). He almost didnt make it. He swallowed Queen palm tree seeds and they got stuck in his colon and went down for the count because we couldnt figure out what was going on. At zero hour of almost having surgery to remove he passed them and the smell cleared out the docs office for a couple hours. He was ok. Hes had Demodex which is sometype of stupid skin disease. Hes wrenched his back before but not this bad, but been down for a couple days. Last year none of any of this was enough he started having seizures and they are now controlled with meds. Oh yeah!!Every two weeks he has to get his anal gland expressed!! This last year (May) one day he was lethargic and we couldnt figure it out , long story short ended up with emergency surgery to have a Brazil nut that was stuck in his intestine. (Which came from our bird Lus seed mix) So here we sit today after a week of vets and finally today a neurologist. Hes had an MRI and they found he had a severely ruptured disk in the middle of his spine. As I write this he is in surgery and they will keep him for a few days. If you know Squeeze he is a love bug and happy go lucky guy. He brings our heart joy everyday to not us but just about everybody he meets. We take the best care as we can of him and I dont know why he must go through so much. We Love you Dog Dog!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 22:07:31 +0000

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