So this past week I got the privilege of going to Ft. Worth for a, - TopicsExpress


So this past week I got the privilege of going to Ft. Worth for a, once a year, well bore meeting with the upper management of my company. Its always a nerve racking time as the men who run our company take a look at your field, one well at a time...and you have to give an account of why certain wells arent performing well or are exceeding their expectations. (The latter is way more fun.) As Im sitting in this room with superintendents, geologists, engineers, along with the vice president and president of our company, I feel like the black sheep. I feel extremely inferior and would do anything to be able to fast fwd through this particular day so I can be released from this torture. Im listening to conversations across the room as one guy mentions his Ferrari, that he completely forgot he ordered a few months ago, just came in. As I feel myself sinking further and further into my chair, I decided to text my wife about the situation. The more I discussed with her how much I didnt fit in this room, the more she showed me I did. She mentioned that as much as they talk about their money and material things, if they dont have what I have, their empty inside...looking for the hope that I can give them. She sent me scriptures and really boosted me out of my place of self condemnation and brought me to a place of peace, freedom, and reminded me of my mission. I was able to understand again why this black sheep was in this room and more importantly, in this position of authority in the largest oil/gas company in the world. I love the woman/warrior that my Lord has given me...bc she strengthens me. She is my wife...or as the scriptures describe, my military ally. After my well bore review was over and I received a great report from my company, I went back to my hotel to finish out the night. The next morning I awoke, packed my bags, and headed down the elevator to check out and start my trip back home...but God had other plans. As I was checking out, the lady and gentleman at the front desk started a conversation with me. They said theyve been watching me since I arrived and they just couldnt figure me out. They knew I was there on business but all of my co-workers looked nothing like me. She asked about the beard and then about the tattoos. Hook, line, and sinker. My tattoos have always created a way for me to witness to people. This one was no different. As I began sharing what the scriptures were on me, I was able to blend my testimony in as well. I felt the Holy Spirit come over me with power and conviction and I was speaking without thinking. The gentleman at one point stopped me and said he was overwhelmed with emotion and felt something come over his body. I smiled bc I knew what was happening. The man was raised a Catholic, the lady a mormon...God in His magnificent grace, met them where they were. Stuck in a cycle of dead practices, the Holy Spirit breathed upon them and gave them a yearning for what I had. We exchanged numbers and they said well be talking more and will come visit your church soon. I left there in utter amazement as God had used me again. I cannot describe to you the feeling of being a tool for the Lord and being used in someone elses life to draw them to their their purpose in life, a relationship with Him. I asked God to speak to me on the way home traveling I20 with nothing but 3hrs of open road ahead of me. He did. He reminded me when Jesus said we are to be the salt of the earth. I never really studied that out but the Holy Spirit showed me partially what it meant. Salt in Jesus days was used as a form of payment. Soldiers were often paid with salt bc it was expensive to purchase. Salt has worth. We have worth and should bring value to people we contact in our daily walk, bc we have the opportunity to point them to Jesus. Salt is a preserve. They didnt have refrigeration back then so salt was used to stop dead meat from decaying. We are to be the salt that when poured out upon peoples lives, we stop the decay that they are in. They no longer have to live in death but have newness of life. Salt is a seasoning. It brings flavor to food. In the same fashion we shouldnt be bland, but seasoned with flavor to make people want what we have been given so freely. Salt makes people thirsty. When were around others, we should make them thirst for what we have. A longing for a drink of the living water...and we can show them where that never ending well is. Lets become the salt of the earth again christians. If not, He said well become like salt that loses its flavor, thrown into the streets to be trampled by foot. In other words, useless. Youve been freely given the gift of salvation for one purpose. To bring glory to God. If you have that relationship with the Creator of, well everything and arent putting to death your flesh daily, presenting yourself as a holy sacrifice to Him, to be used by Him, to share with others what Hes done for you,...well, you may be considered useless. I challenge you to consider your ways. Are you seeking the Lord through scripture and prayer, to give you a timely word each day for someone that youll cross paths with who is searching for His mercy and grace? If not, start today. Be the salt you are called to be. It will bring purpose back into your life. Peace and Beard Grease
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 00:46:52 +0000

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