So this year, Christmas has been a very different experience for - TopicsExpress


So this year, Christmas has been a very different experience for me.... usually Christmas has been filled with family and friends and celebration each and every year. I count my blessings of having that in life. This year however, I made a few conscious choices going into this time period, which Ill detail more below. Before we get there, I want to take the moment to remind you, to also take a moment, and be thankful for your many blessings of family, friends, good health, and all the important things this holiday season! We sometimes forget that it is not that way for so many around us.... and that is where this story comes in......... As many of you know, earlier this year I became single again. While I could have done a few different things this Christmas, I instead decided to do a life experiment... and that experiment was to fully experience what Christmas and the holiday season is like for those who do not have anyone around them, those less fortunate.... those who have no family to share with.... Now, stop right there and dont be sorry for me, or any of that... sometimes in life you need to do things like this to further grow..... to experience things in different let me tell you about the journey :-) This year, I of course am single, but also my parents are in Florida for the winter, and most of my family lives away from the area......I have been blessed in life to always have so many around me on Christmas day. So many happy holiday times in life.... But this year presented a unique opportunity and situation to gain a more full understanding of others situations.... And sadly, there are so many who, year after year, have no choice but to spend Christmas as I have this year. While we all are wrapped up in the experiences of family and friends, and the joy of the holiday, we sometimes (and too often!) take it for granted, and forget for a moment about the ones who woke up to Christmas as if it was any other day of the year.... while you were having your Christmas feast, I was cooking up hash and eggs for one... and now sitting here with a can of chicken soup on the stove..... it really makes you take a few moments to think about those who are less fortunate, and gives you an intimate understanding of the reality they face each and everyday, and how hard it can be especially during the holidays. I am so thankful that this isnt really how it is for me each day, but also revel in experiencing it fully, in isolation. No joyous laughter and conversation in the house... just the radio on playing Christmas music... wondering how to spend the hours.... and purposefully existing on the smallest of food staples.... no Christmas tree or decorations....... the situation that some must deal with each and everyday, but also, what heartbreak the holidays bring for these folks as well..... Let me say, it has been quite the experience so far, and one that I will not soon forget.... this experience is certainly one that will remind me to be extra charitable and giving in the holiday season, and year around. It will remind me that not everyone has everything they want on Christmas, and some have soooo very little...... There are so many who struggle.... so many who are depressed because they have no other option..... while I purposefully took this one head on, and have also had some of the advantages that many dont, (like a warm and comfortable home to conduct this experiment in) I dont wish the experience on anyone.... so please, take a moment and be thankful for your many blessings. The other side of the coin is a real eye opener. I am thankful that this has only been a consciously entered into life experiment, because I certainly wouldnt want this to be the reality. I dont think anyone would.... so remember these people in life... and how hard it is for them through the holidays....... the experience has certainly given me a much deeper understanding of those in these situations..... Sometimes you just have to take the time to find ways of understanding more fully and in person.... and you grow in many ways through doing so! While this year presented the opportunity to do this experiment, I know that next year will be very different... next year will be back to what we each consider a more “normal” Christmas.... but the experience and the lessons learned, the observations, the realizations.... those are the gift to myself this year by choosing to experience it intimately and first hand.......those lessons will stay with me as I continue down the path of life. Do I hope the story of my day affects you?...... Certainly..... because it has certainly affected me in ways that will make me take moments out in years to come to be so thankful for the blessings we all have, that so many dont.........To you and yours, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :-)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 23:44:18 +0000

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