So those of you who know Haydin also know he is pretty small for - TopicsExpress


So those of you who know Haydin also know he is pretty small for his age. While I try not to worry about it too much, it has been pointed out to us on several doctor visits to the point where he sees an Endocrinologist. At his appointment this week they ordered some lab work and a bone scan to determine his bone growth age. The doctor on base just called to let me know the results from the x-ray are in and that his bones show significant growth delay. My little man will be 6 next month but his bones are the size of a 4 1/2 year old. That is quite a delay! Of course that has saved me quite a bit of money on clothes (he still wears some that are 12 months!!) but what parent wants their child to have development issues? He is sharper than a tack and I thank God for that however, as a boy he will encounter teasing issues if he does not grow. We will be looking at all options and of course will follow up with the specialist as soon as the rest of the results are in, but in the mean time I would appreciate some prayers of peace for me. This momma wants nothing but the best for her boys and the thought of him not growing the way he should makes me sad. Thanks :)
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 22:57:11 +0000

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