So to my understanding, it is said that us Afro Americans or so - TopicsExpress


So to my understanding, it is said that us Afro Americans or so called black people are aggressive and angry over all. Well after watching movies such as 12 Yrs a Slave.... Its now an understanding that being beaten repeatedly until your flesh opens, a woman raped by someone that considers her property as well as beaten, working pretty much all day with nothing to look forward to! I see how a hate can be deeply rooted and passed on down the line to generations to come. Then some of these caucasion people wonder why we black people are the way we are!! Thats something they would have to jump in a time machine an go back to their ancestors and ask them, we, i believe, are merely generations, 1 of many that were/are victims of a system that was set in place, contrived of ignorance and fear as a result of a selfish people consumed by their own demons. The world can scream that equality is, but in reality;is it? I beg to differ...
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:39:41 +0000

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