So to say that the world will end is to lack understanding that it - TopicsExpress


So to say that the world will end is to lack understanding that it is really the end of the age and the age of Satan’s rule of this earth. Satan has deceived the entire world except for those who are Christ’s (Rev 12:9). The earth will abide forever (Psalm 78:69; Eccl 1:4) but there will be a new heaven and a new earth someday. The old earth will go through purification by fire as Peter describes in 2 Peter 3:5-13: “By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the Day of Judgment and destruction of the ungodly….But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be?…That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.” So the old world will end and a new heaven and a new earth will come (Rev 21). That is encouraging for those who are believers in Christ but it ought to be a fearful thing for those who are not believers and are not bornagain. Does the Bible Say That the World Will End? As we have read, the Bible never declares that the world will end. It is only the old earth that will be gone and the old age; a new heaven and a new earth will exist but it will still be the earth in the same sense. Most Bible scholars believe the end of the old earth as we know it today will be at the end of the millennium or after the thousand year reign of Christ and His saints on earth. Then the New Jerusalem or actually heaven itself descends out of the sky and rests where Jerusalem is at the present time (Rev 21). So we can say that heaven will be on earth because heaven is any place where God is. And it will be 1,500 miles wide, with four sides and 1,500 miles high (Ezek 41:2-4). It cannot even be imagined right now. But first the earth will be melted and all the elements in it because at the end of the millennium, Satan will be loosed from his chains and will again deceive many who are on the earth. But heaven will be untouchable forever because God is in it. Then there will be no need for the sun and the moon for God Himself will be the light. And even the ocean will be gone for the kingdom will be all encompassing then. What is the “End” All About According to the Scriptures? The “end” of the world is really the end of the age of Satan’s rule. His rule will end, and Christ’s reign will begin and His saints will rule with Him. Those who are not Christ’s will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20). No person who is a Christian will have to go through this judgment or through the coming Great Tribulation. This judgment will be for those who have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. The unbelievers will be caste into the lake of fire. Satan will eventually be tossed into the abyss, a type of bottomless pit and will never, ever again tempt or deceive people. In fact, even death itself will be caste into the lake of fire and there will be no more death, no more tears, and no more sorrow. But for those who end their life not believing in or professing faith in Jesus Christ, their state will never end. Unfortunately they will be in torment forever and ever without end. This is all the more reason for you, if you are not a believer in Jesus Christ right now, to confess your sins, admit your need for a Savior, and believe in Him as your Lord and Savior. Then you too will live, without end, in joyful bliss and eternal happiness with the Lord. And it will never end. This is what is known as eternal life
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 05:36:38 +0000

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