So today, I am tired.... I am tired of our President hiding - TopicsExpress


So today, I am tired.... I am tired of our President hiding behind his cabinet members and time (it was a long time ago) as well as ignorance (I read about it in the paper just like you) in regard to the many scandals that have rocked the US government over the past 6 years. I am tired of the majority of the media hiding the evidence and not reporting the stories at all. I am tired of my tax dollars being unconstitutionally shunted to fund programs and entities that have no direct relation to the given powers of the Federal government. I am tired of reading about Common Core, our education system, mandated by the Federal government and how it is at once dumbing down our children and taking away any incentive to excel. I am tired of cultural awareness being more important of meeting the standard, rap battles replacing debates and sharia law trumping the Constitution. I am tired of hashtag activism and Che Guevara T-Shirts. I am tired of the Goebbels-esqe propaganda that insists that Communism works, the icecaps are melting, all white people are racists, all men do is keep women down and Islam is the religion of “peace.” I am tired of dissent from any of these views being met with instant character assassination and calls to fire people from their jobs. I am tired of the lack of personal responsibility displayed by Americans coupled with the litigious entitlement mentality that has become the mainstay of our welfare state. I am tired of people not actually reading and understanding history – as opposed to regurgitating the slanted indoctrination offered by those that would destroy everything that has made this nation great. I am tired of the attacks on harry chested, rough handed, steely eyed men, that have uncompromising values – even if I do not agree with them. I am tired of the idea that we are all equal in such a way that we should all have equal pay, success and happiness. I am tired of beautiful women being hated because they are beautiful. I am tired of jealousy. I am tired of the laziness that seems to pervade American culture – physical, emotional and intellectual laziness. I am tired of “experts” – these talking heads on TV and the internet that espouse their view in a charismatic manner that Bill Clinton or Adolph Hitler would be envious of, but have a tenuous grasp on the realities to which they speak. I am tired of the blame game that is played every time anything happens – it is not the perpetrator of the crime – it is the dad, the mom, the gun, the gun maker, the video game, the music, the whatever….but NEVER the perp. I am tired of the NFL, NBA and MLB – I really do not care about who licked cake off of whom, or what coach is a racist. I am tired of hearing how athletes are overpaid from people wearing a team jersey whilst watching the game on cable TV, updating their fantasy league stats and playing NBA2K14 or whatever. I am tired of Oprah and Honey Boo-Boo. I am tired of reading about how horrible corporations are, on the internet (I will let that sink in). I am tired of hearing how we should “do something” about “X” in Whereveristan – from the same people that say that we need to stop spending so much tax revenue and acting like we are the World Police. I am tired of high gas prices. I am tired of Hess gas stations having the little hold downs on their pump handles removed. I am tired of typing. ~mo
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 13:44:58 +0000

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