So today is apparently the day for amazing news!! John Green just - TopicsExpress


So today is apparently the day for amazing news!! John Green just announced the winning charities of this years Project for Awesome and ahhhh. Okay. Many organizations receiving money are important to me for different reasons, including The Harry Potter Alliance and This Star Wont Go Out who received $25k each. But this year Im most proud of Shes the First being one of 10 organizations receiving $25,000. This year I chose Shes the First*{American} as my charity for the Project for Awesome, hoping to inspire some people to learn more about the amazing work they do in educating young women across the world, specifically at the Arlington Academyof Hope in Uganda. Maybe I would even inspire some people to donate a few dollars. But then something amazing happened, with the help of Lorraine Brontë Magee asking every living person to vote for my video and said video being featured by the P4A, there became a real chance to win some money! And it all became possible after we recruited Alexa Landis to make an awesome video also supporting STF*{AU}, which got featured right as the Project for Awesome hit $1 MILLION in donations. Somehow through a lot of last minute hard work promoting the heck out of these videos, a Project for Awesome miracle happened and today John Green announced it as the 8th most voted for charity by nerdfighters and a recipient of a $25,000 grant. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who voted for this, to Lorraine for being amazing and helping out all day and for founding STF*{AU} in the first place and generally being awesome, Alexa for making that video after such a last minute ask and rocking it/freaking out with Lorraine and me, and of course to Rain Freeman for getting me interested in the organization in the first place and also helping with getting out the vote :D Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts. Dont forget to be awesome, friends.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:32:29 +0000

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