So today was the first day in some 5 cycles that I have set foot - TopicsExpress


So today was the first day in some 5 cycles that I have set foot back in the Kingdom of Praelia. Having ventured south after the great peace, I tried to forget so much. I tried to go by my birth name for a while, but I could not escape who I had become. Although peace had come and many of my best friends were now scattered to the four winds, I never left my home of Nicholshire far from my heart. For a time I was lost. O what an adventure I had. But it culminated with finding a special welsh woman, who would rescue me when my coin, title and name were of no help. We wed and for a while I thought I would be safe in a new life. Rosalyn and I started to build this new life together. Then as it often happens, the universe waited until I was just cocky enough to feel secure. She and I were captured by nefarious individuals, seeking to gain from my fame. Luckily, we were rescued by adventurers. Sent by none other than my good friend Maarek Elets, these adventurers stumbled upon Rosalyn and I at our most precarious. They saved us and we helped them with their mission. Now I have returned to the capital city of the kingdom. Great Nicholshire awaited my return patiently, but with dire news. Trouble had been afoot. Somebody, presumedly Von Nurnberg Order, destroyed Doolins Keep with a weapon whose damage was so massive... I cant imagine. So, today I rallied with my friends again. In lands west of the capital, we sought to train, prepare for the coming darkness. Together, we can do anything. Peace has ended. ~Baron Boltac Lowleaves
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 22:24:48 +0000

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