So today we got great news from Aydens dr. His biospy came back - TopicsExpress


So today we got great news from Aydens dr. His biospy came back that all the leukemia cells are gone. Now what that means for him is... She used this as an analogy. You cut down a tree, the tree( leukemia) is dead but there are still roots that continue to grow and the tree will eventually grow back. So that is why he has to do such tough chemo treatments the next 7 months to kill the roots. So, next Tuesday we will be continuing his treatments. So the next 4 weeks will look like this : He will have to do a lumbar puncture every tues for the next 4 weeks plus chemo intravenous, oral chemo at home plus we will have to give him a shot 4 days a week. As you can imagine I cried when the nurse told me :(. December is going to be hell for him! The dr said we will have to keep him pretty isolated right around Christmas time through the first week in January. She said alot of kids wind up being admitted during this next phase because their numbers can drop extremely low where he may need blood tranfusions, platelets and can get fevers. Please continue to pray for my baby boy. Xoxo xoxo I will keep everyone posted. Have a safe weekend!
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 03:47:49 +0000

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