So tonight is a two fold. I wanted to get the first out of the way - TopicsExpress


So tonight is a two fold. I wanted to get the first out of the way because there is a lot of talk about it right now because of a movie that recently came out. You guessed it, our military. So if you pay attention to my wall you know, Im a very stern supporter of our men and women in uniform. But not a lot of folks know that after 9-11, I also, enlisted. I wanted to be Airborne Sniper, U.S. Army Rangers. I scored a 98 on the ASVAB so I was almost guaranteed to be attached to Battalion, which means I would have been serving in a Ranger unit, not just going back to my Basic Platoon. But there was a problem, the Army realized I had a hearing lose. So they gave me a choice, petition for a waiver, and potentially get in, or if I didnt get in, Id be disqualified. OR I could fly a desk my entire career, and watch my buddies backs while piloting a drone. 98 on the ASVAB is high enough to do practically anything the Army has to offer. However I told my buddies I was going to be a grunt, and so a hand full of them enlisted with me. So because I knew they were going to be ground ponders I elected to petition for a waiver. I lost my petition. Thus officially my military paperwork says 4F due to Acute hearing lose. But back then I had 100% hearing in my left ear, and about 35% hearing in my right ear. Acute hearing is when you only have 30% all around. So my disqualification wasnt accurate in that aspect. But because I was under petition for a waiver form, it didnt matter. And so Ive spent my entire civilian life, wondering what might have been had I chosen to pilot a drone, and watch my buddies backs from the air. A few of them didnt come home... Might they have come home with a sniper watching their backs? Ill never know, but what bugs me even more, is would they be alive today if there had been a drone over head? Again Ill never know. But it truly urks me, when I see folks then never intended to pickup a rifle in the first place, feel like they have the right to trash talk the folks that go and do that very thing for these assholes to be able to trash talk. I may not have made it into the Army, but I feel the sting just as our vets do, I know it stings in a different way. But its there. So when I see public figures like Michael Moore trash talking Snipers... I can no longer remain a voice on the back burner. I may not know what it is to give the full measure of devotion, or be deployed over seas. But I sure as hell know a lot about volunteering. I didnt even hesitate when I told my recruiter, Basic, AIT, Airborne, Sniper, Ranger. Now what that means is I told the recruiter what training programs I wanted to go for, and the order I hoped to go for them in. I knew exactly where I wanted to be and exactly how I wanted to get there. I was going for 75th Ranger Battalion Sniper, I was going to use the Rangers as a stepping stone into SOD-Delta. And so when I say, I wanted a career as a Sniper... I mean I wanted a career, I told many of my friends, I was going to be the one to pull the trigger on Bin Laden. And I meant it. Today Im somewhat grateful I didnt get it, God only knows how messed up I would be right now. But I wanted to be the very best, I wanted to make sure little Johnny didnt have to enlist, I was going to take his place. But then we have characters like Director Michael Moore. Who claims his uncle was killed by a Japanese Sniper during WWII. This guy being the director of such movies as Sicko and Slacker Uprising the titles alone should give you insight as to what type of person he is. But he proceeds to make clear his uncle was Army Airborne.... ....Yet killed by a Jap Sniper... Yea Im sorry, the only Combat Divisions during WWII that were Airborne Units, were the Rangers, the 82nd All American, and the 101st Screaming Eagles. All of which deployed during the D-Day invasions and served behind enemy lines right up to the end of the war. Now there was another Unit, after those other three had such success the Army commissioned another 13th Airborne. Whom also trained at Fort Bennings, now, seeing as all the Jumps planes that were available had already been deployed for use with these previously stated units, the 13th Airborne had to wait it out, and werent deployed until early 1945... And when they were in fact deployed... They were deployed to France... A long ways from any Japanese sniper. So you see, there are holes in Mr. Director Moores story that just dont add up. So either hes a lying piece of shit, or his daddy was lying. Because he was saying his disdain for snipers stems from his daddy always telling him and his siblings that snipers were cowards and would shoot you in the back. So this piece of shit, has got some historical studies to catch up on, that much is clear. But even if there was an error in military branches - not likely, as Marines are very proud, same with Army, they arent gonna make that mistake. The timing just wasnt there, Marine Airborne units didnt see combat, they were all landed by landing craft. And Army Airborne wasnt deployed as Combat troops. So obviously now I have a personal disdain for this Director and Ive always been told his movies suck anyways, so Ive never bothered, but now Im going to encourage my friends not to bother as well. Remember, you sleep safe at night because our brave men and women in uniform, pick up a rifle so you wont have to. There are very few on my list who dont know how to handle a rifle, but be grateful youve never had to fire at a living human with one. If you dont want to be grateful go pick up a rifle and see if you can even stomach the idea. Now, onto my other topic. The Quran has been a big topic these days. And there are folks who would want to say its a peaceful religion, and you can trust the Muslim. And I would like to believe this, not everyone is an evil terrorist and therefore should not have to undergo treatment as if they were. But heres a few things Ive repeated time and again on my page... This time, I came across the writings, and I made sure to take them down for notes. It is called taqiyya; Islamic doctrine of deception 2. Lying in Islam that is permitted under certain circumstances. Gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them. Further more, if you want to sit there and claim Islam is about peace... Okay, youre right the early doctrine Mohammad spoke of peaceful ways. BUT after receiving his visions from Allah he became very much about war, and beheading(s). Dont believe me? Here we go with more scripture.... And fight them [the unbelievers] until there is no fitnah [rebellion] and [until] the religion, all of it is for Allah. Quran 8:39 Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him. Prophet Muhammad, Sahih Bukhari 9.84.57 Allahs Apostle said, I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Prophet Muhammad, Sahih Bukhari 8:387 These are just a few places where the Quran says to... kill, Kill, KILL!!! So you can understand my skepticism, when Mr. Obama, and others sit there and say Islam is a religion of Peace. Now this does not mean there arent peace loving Muslims out there. But it is saying that they need to man up, and scorn their radical members. You see folks killing in the name of Jesus left and right, and though they do not speak for Jesus, they are either possessed or sick, or both. They do get scorned. The same should be expected of radical Muslims. Period END OF DISCUSSION!!!! Anyways, just felt like this needed to be said, and I hope everyone has a great day. Much love, but Jesus loves you more.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 08:29:15 +0000

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