So what’s up with Raju Narayana Swamy these days? By vishy on - TopicsExpress


So what’s up with Raju Narayana Swamy these days? By vishy on July 27, 2012 in People Pic: courtesy hindu (circa 2007) India is as obsessed with its IAS officers as it is with its IIT graduates. Earlier this year, I wrote an article about Kerala IAS officer Raju Narayana Swamy after seeing one of those Facebook appeals making its rounds. Six months ago, the post continues to attract interest. I wondered whether he had taken up that plum UN assignment in Paris or decided to remain in India to “fight it out”. I sent a message to Srivatsa Krishna, the only IAS officer I know (on Twitter) whether he knew about Swamy’s whereabouts. As I waited for his response… more web searches. The newest Swamy article (from April 2012) was this - apparently the perfect-student-in-him had notched yet another accomplishment by becoming the first all-India service officer in the country to complete all 10 courses conducted by the National Institute of Disaster Management. Never mind that it might be news to most of us that India does possess an agency like that. So Swamy is still in India? I came across this page that establishes, without reasonable doubt, that Swamy is still very much in India. His current role is Commissioner of Civil Supplies. As if on cue, I got the following reply from Srivatsa Krishna “He is very much in Kerala. Don’t believe everything you read in the media.” This morning I called Swamy’s listed mobile# (switched off). After a series of calls (and redirections) to different Kerala departments, I finally reached the Department of Civil Supplies. A polite lady confirmed that Swamy is indeed the sitting Commissioner of Civil Supplies. Just 10 minutes earlier, some other department informed me (rather authoritatively) that Swamy was no longer in the Secretariat. I also learned that Swamy is currently in Lucknow (on election duty!) I also got his correct mobile number — but so far haven’t succeeded in getting through (for the final final confirmation). I also came across this Oct 2007 Indian Express article where Swamy’s ex-father-in-law (Swamy and his wife have separated) alleges that the media has magnified Swamy’s good deeds beyond proportion. He also issues a few clarifications – that there was no blocking of public road but it was his own compound wall. The ex-father-in-law’s counter-claim is that Swamy ordered the demolishing of the wall to humiliate and harass his family. Hartal bandh to protest Raju N Swamy’s transfer This blog post casts light on the amount of populist support Swamy has among Kerela’s citizens (especially from Idukki). For the first time, a district observed a dawn to dusk hartal in protest against the transfer of a collector. The participation of many Dalit and tribal organisations (to support an ‘upper-caste’ collector) surprised many. Raju N Swamy’s senior from school/college Ratish Naroor writes about Swamy on his blog – corroborates most of the facts from the original Facebook share but stays clear off the father-in-law wall demolishment topic. Mr vishy, I am sorry but I fail to understand the obsession the media has about mr swami.kindly clear my doubt,mr swami has agreeably secured first ranks from Lkg onwards, but in what way the people of India/Kerala are benefitted for that??to my humble knowledge the sole beneficiary is mr swami and may be his immediate family whoever that might be.and how long can anyone live in past glory esp something superficial like this??certainly this dies not merit to be extended upto ones middle age for sure.also allow me to clarify one more thing;mr swami did demolish his ex fatherinlaws property unlawfully and narrowly escaped punishment from court for forgery thanks to the generosity if the ex father in law.if you need proof I am more than willing to provide including that of the forgery anytime you want. Also mr swami did such an act not only to harass that family but to gain cheap popularity and publicity too in a way that would put even the worst politician to shame. The property was lawfully restored to the ex father in law by the way.presently there are genuine issues faced by the state and country which are pressing too ;wonder why nobody bothers in their blogs about that??i took out the time to comment to put an end on this snd clarify the facts with proof if needed. john Someone who sacrificed MIT scholarship for the sake of public service will not act for mere publicity like u said. Please correct your facts and then post. Remember ones character defines his morals so past glory do defines an individual stature. Radhika narender I suggest you do that first mr John because I have my facts with me – my I have stated above academics and character are as different as head and tail ; even without the first one can have the second but the first need not automatically provide the second.and a person without character does not deserve much respect even if he has strong academics because he can’t do much good in the truest sense to anyone. ratheesh post the proofs… eldho kerala people owe him a lot.. he was the collector who dared to fight with land mafia in idukki.. he is the one who made thrissur round a reality…. Ratheesh Dear Radhika, I feel your anger towards Mr Swami in your post. Why are you so arrogant to respect the fact that he studied well throughout his carrier(which is a good thing) than putting it in the negative way. He selected civil service to help our country and unfortunately the system in our country is not good to support this kind of great people. Viswaroopa The Indians make the greatest mistake that academic brilliance will carry the day or ideology can carry everything. But one should understand the success in public like depends on i)the extent of support he gets from family and well wishers or ii) he comes from very strong background or iii)he should sacrifice everything and remain defiant. Many from middle-class background without a defiant father/mother crumble before realism the more one gets defeat if he does not good match of his caliber. Hence ideology infestation in young age and no use when facing reality and by only joining Government service is hallow. Serving nation can be by understanding oneself and acquire job even in private sector can stood firm by remaining politely. Many of the ideologues fail only because honesty has been considered as superior quality but should not become arrogancy. Firm and humility is the success formula ratheesh how you can say so badly about rajunarayana swamy…He is the one who has sacrificed MIT scholarship for serving the country…He is the victim of the bullshit politics of kerala…Radhika I am challenging you to post the proofs…. Radhika narender What has a persons academics got to do with his character?? Education in the true sense yes but not academics and that is what I want to stress apart from protesting against strangers hurting my familly and maligning them.i am ready to give proof here itself but there is no provision here for attachments and I am more than willing to send them to your mail if you can provide me with your Id. Thanks Radhika narender You all will understand the situation only if it happens to your to me and write the same sentences after you have gone through what I and my family went you all are nothing but hypocrites. Raghunath By posting sucha message in this blog, I doubt Radhika want to have some cheap publicity. I know Mr. Raju very well and he don’t want any kind of popularity or publicity as mentioned by Radhika. He is so popular in kerala and each and every student want to be like him. In India any document can be forged and his ex-father in law also forged the document with the help of dirty politicians to sue Raju. the only mistake Raju did is marry his daughter but he has corrected the same. This is what the reasons most of the techies, doctors, engineers and even the nurses leaving kerala for better prospects. Now the big shots in Civil Supplies ministriy (including the minister) are behind him since he is not allowing them to do as they want. Radhika narender Mr raghunath I do not crave for cheap publicity thank you very much. I am very happy with my quiet happy family life. But that does not mean I would swallow any nonsense written to malign and hurt the feelings of my family members who are dear to me. Naturally I will react and strongly at that and mainly because they are calculated lies. You jump to defend someone whom you might not have even met just on the basis of hearsay and what you read from stupid blogs like this.FYI, my father had published the truth in the newspapers immediately after the incidents and thereafter also but why people persist in believing the lies???use your brains for once in your life before you leap. I will repeat again what happened as you seem to be a little slow to take up. My father had taken the xerox of the order for demolition of the property wall. Also remember the fact that the action of demolition itself was subjudice as the matter was pending in court. In that xerox copy mr swami had not asked for any enquiry on any public petition on the wall. Now for the purpose of document submission in court my father needed further copies of the said order by mr swami about 1year later. He was shocked to see that mr swami had called for an enquiry on a ” public petition” on the wall and had signed with a suitable date. Mr swami had got transferred fron the post of sub collector about 1month after the incident and the first copy was taken after he left his post. So that means mr swami misused his position and gained unauthorised access to a document to commit forgery to save his skin and position. We were separated but the marriage was not legally dissolved and his parents literally fell at our feet to withdraw the criminal case for forgery filed against him promising that he would turn a new leaf and stop running after cheap publicity and take care of his wife along with his job. You tell me how can a person who fails to care for his family can care for the society??? And FYI, lot of people on eminent posts including one Chief Justice tried to patch up and instil some sense in to that person and finally advised me and my parents to go ahead with divorce as this person was incorrigible selfish and beyond reasons.i have come out with my personal life not to gain your sympathy cheap popularity or affection. I am very much happy a d contended with my life but people like you inadvertently or even deliberately hurt my family and I would never stand by and watch that . And what is truth is the truth. Even when thousand people like yourself shout one lie and claim it to be the truth it can never be anything but lie. Radhika narender Mr raghunath let me assure you while we are on the subject, I am a medico and I came up through merit against all the existing reservations; completed my super speciality in a very reputed institution. So I can and will always appreciate the value of good education but still would never go for academics.youmay know of mr swami or even know him personally . But have you ever met me or my father ?? So how dare you stand on judgement upon him and question his integrity despite the the explanations clearly given??you can’t bear when a third party albeit a public figure being shown for what he is in truth and yet you expect me to keep quiet when my own father is unduly and unfairly accused by the narrow minded frogs like yourself??Let me make it clear for once and all:God has given you something in between your ears, don’t keep it fresh . Do use it once in a while; for that is what He meant it to be. You are right in one thing, in India anything can be forged. If so who else but those with power and undue access to such things will be the one to go for it rather than an ordinary man. So you dug your grave there. Secondly , put your listening ears and let this penetrate your skull; the certified xerox copy of the petition that was first taken by my father was submitted in the court. So no one had access to that. When he again needed another copy 1 year later he had no option but to apply for another certified copy of the petition from the sub collectors office and this bore the forged endorsement. Mr swami had left the post even before the first copy was taken so obviously he must have forged the endorsement during one of his “visits”. Even now all the documents will be stored with the judiciary though the cases were withdrawn. And he was cunning enough to act sweet till the period for filing criminal case against such an act was over to show his original wolf face.i am explaining all this not because I care a hoot about what the kinds of you think about me.i won’t stand by and watch my parent being accused of trespass forgery and what not by some stupid idiots like you and other people might read that crap and start glorifying a wolf at the expense of my fathers integrity; and when I would be indirectly responsible for that. I assure you mr swami took such a step against law morals and ethics in the false sense of security the marriage to me would have given him.he never expected that I would encourage my father to go go to court. But I did because what mr swami did was immoral and unjust and my father needed my moral support as mr swami was using us to get cheap popularity. He had never cared for me forget as a wife not even a human being before or after this incident.whatever his academic qualifications are he sadly lacks as a human being and I am not afraid to say that anywhere it takes. Now I am proudly married to a highly qualified and academically brilliant person but all the more he is a fine sensitive human being who respects morality ethics and law and respects the feelings of another human being without pre judging anyone. I would have posted the forgery documents but they are in jpg format and I can do that only as an attachment . Hope I have made myself crystal clear. If you have further questions mail me. anand Mr fool , you are afrog in the well , you know nothing about this worrld .u are the one who goes superficially by newspaper reports.Dude I pity you!!!! sundar iyer According to the latest reports, Raju Narayana Swamy, senior IAS officer, who had until recently held the post of Commissioner, Civil Supplies Department of Kerala, will team up with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. Sources have stated that the IAS officer hailing from Kerala is all set to join Modi’s team as IT Secretary of Gujarat. However Kerala government is also said to have sought permission from the Centre to have him back to state folds. Swamy currently holds the post of Secretary of Army Welfare department in Kerala, after he was shifted from the Civil Supplies Department. – 13/07/2013 Abhishek Bharadwaj Under which Section of IPC are you going to file a case against Mr. Raghunath ?? Please keep me updated about the proceedings of the Case. :-D Latest Popular Comments Tags 12 MOOC perspectives you may not have heard of September 8, 2013 Is your city resilient? Rockefeller Foundation commits $100 million September 3, 2013 Is the no-frills traveling MBA program (CREAM) working? August 31, 2013 A different kind of Indian city August 18, 2013 Less Jugaad, More Real Innovation June 10, 2013 World Bank India Development Marketplace: Finalist Review Part 2 May 30, 2013 World Bank India Development Marketplace: Finalist Review Part 1 May 29, 2013 Artha Platform, closed social enterprise version of Angel List, announces Challenge May 28, 2013 Paul Polak, SunPower and good news for poor farmers May 24, 2013 A farmer’s son deliberates on the cooperative decision May 10, 2013 Follow TechSangam via Email Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner Vishy Kuruganti has 806 followers on Twitter techsangam 66/100 Recent Twitter Activity Follow @ulaar on Twitter
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 09:14:37 +0000

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