So you want to buy something that is listed on OLX Kenya? Don’t - TopicsExpress


So you want to buy something that is listed on OLX Kenya? Don’t do it before you read this OLX Kenya is the biggest classifieds website in Kenya. The website does not have strict listing rules and from this, most Kenyans have fallen prey to con-men who have listed stuff that does not exist. For instance, most of the motor vehicles listed on OLX Kenya are actually non existent and they are only used for marketing purposes by unscrupulous car dealers. In a recent expose by a fan of the Nairobi Exposed facebook page, one fan claims that he/she was conned more than 10,000 shillings by a “real estate agent” who has listed rental houses on the OLX Kenya website. Also, click here to read this shocking story of a man who was conned his brand new Samsung Galaxy S3 by a ‘client’ from OLX Hi admin, pliz hide my ID. I want to chanua my fellow kenyans that kuna conmen on OLX Kenya. It all started like this, i was looking for a 1 bedroom house when 3 adverts caught my attention. A house at ngumo, nbi west and sth b going for 9k ati own compound. so to my surprise the contact persons had the same cell number. I called and a guy responded and he introduced himself as KEN and that he was an agent. He claimed he wasn’t sure whether the house was still vacant and that I shld give him sme mins to consult with the land lady who turned out to be her accomplise. He text me her no and I called. She sounded like a granny with a heavy kikuyu accent. She claimed that there was a lady student who had promised to take up the hse but at the moment she had only ten k meaning she lacked the rent. so she said tht I shld make up my mind so that pple wld stop disturbing her over the house. She added that she lived in thika and that she was living in Thika and that she will send her son together with the agent to show me the house as she prepares the receipt for the deposit andd the water deposit of 1500 so I shld send her my full names, id no and address so that she can also prepare a lease agreement which the son wld bring alongas soon as the payment was confirmed. Without suspecting anything I went to twn since Im a foreigner and sent her the 10,600 the 100 being an addition to cater for withdrawals. We kept in touch for a while and I even went ahead to nbi west to wait for the son as agreed on the directed venue. After an hr and a half I called and complained that they hadnt arrived and politely said she will have to confirm why they had delayed and get back to me. After about 5 mins I called and neither the mama nor the agent didn’t pick up. So admin, plz expose the mama joy whose real name is JANE WANJAU, phone number is 0722248603 AND KEN (THE AGENT) 0736638937 who advertise cheap houses in posh places so that they dont trick other innocent kenyans. Luckily my husband is a CID and together with the help of safaricom have been able to track down their localities as they have been reported on many occasions and they will be arrested when I return to Nairobi since im on a work field trip in Lodwar. Beleive you me watalipia more than wat they took from me, I swear and will end up in jail that will be my vengeance to them. It is unfortunate that I tried to publish this on OLX who erased the blog and i was wondering why the did that as it will encourage fraud So, be warned. Before buying anything from OLX KENYA, do some research; otherwise you’ll loose your hard earned money!!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 07:08:54 +0000

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