Soap box time! I thought I would chime in on the Domestic - TopicsExpress


Soap box time! I thought I would chime in on the Domestic Abuse/Violence that were seeing on the news regarding the NFL. Im probably going to catch hell for posting this because most of my female counterparts view me as a feminist who supports women in their fight for equality. I keep seeing all of these reports about Protect the Women! Protect the Women! Protect the Children! There are hundreds of quotes from the media circulating. Sponsors that are targeted at the female demographic are pulling out. And yes I am 100% behind them. There are those who are arguing that what happens between an man and a woman in the privacy blah blah blah...shouldnt be a public matter. From what Ive seen the incident regarding Ray Rice, didnt happen in the privacy of their home or bedroom. It was pretty public so their argument there is invalid. (Yes I am talking about you! You may leave now.) There is still something irking me about all of this. We keep seeing, Men shouldnt hit women! and even Vice President Joe Biden had some words. Biden said the administration would be unrelenting “to make it clear that it is cowardly not to step up.” “There is an absolute obligation, a moral obligation, to step up and intervene and say something,” Biden said. Okay, I get that and I support it. But there is still something the public keeps forgetting. Domestic violence doesnt just happen to women. It also happens to men. Who is going to stand up for them? I dont care about numbers or statistics. I already know them, so I dont need anyone to quote them to me. I dont care if the numbers show that it happens to women more often than men. Honestly give it a rest. The world knows it happens to women more than men. But I dont think it should happen to ANYBODY! So over the next few days I am going to be sharing some articles that many shed light on a growing problem in America, a problem that the Liberal Media (yes, Im a Liberal and Im bashing the Libera Media for those of you who say I always stick with Liberal views. I dont watch MSNBC EVER. I think it is the Liberal equivalent of Fox News.) fails to address... So shall we begin? mintpressnews/woman-aggressor-unspoken-truth-domestic-violence/196746/] #DomesticViolence #NFL #BatteredHusbands #Soapbox #DoubleStandards #EqualRightsForAll
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 18:56:59 +0000

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