...Some may quibble or complain about the lack of focus on other - TopicsExpress


...Some may quibble or complain about the lack of focus on other aspects of the Selma story such as the role of LBJ, SNCC, Stokely Carmichael (years later known as Kwame Ture), the local citizenry, and the role of Jewish religious figures). All of these complaints have been expressed in the media in recent weeks. All miss a key point about the film medium. Simply that the film is the Artist’s story to tell. Not to be directed by interest groups with specific agendas. Ava DuVernay chose to tell a story primarily from King’s point of view of the grass roots movement in Selma. Any judgment accuracy-wise should be made on how well the spirit of the actual event is captured. Not on how thorough every minute detail is covered. To that end the film captures the nature of the time brilliantly. It does this without surrendering to myths that have become clichés. Specifically derivatives of Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden”. DuVernay put it relatively more politely by declaring she was not interested in projecting a “White Savior” in the film. This Directorial decision is not done for the sake of political correctness as a few have seriously misinterpreted. Rather it is an effort to balance the weight of historic narratives that are absent of the reality of Black self-initiative at the expense of focusing on either White heroism or enlightenment...
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 10:48:46 +0000

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