Some may take offense to this but I just have to say it. Its been - TopicsExpress


Some may take offense to this but I just have to say it. Its been on my mind for days now... At the end of the day, the world is a better, more peaceful place when we concern ourselves, with ourselves. Meaning, when we stop worrying about what the next person or group is doing, mind and handle our own business, our lives become much less chaotic. Think about it like this, when youre driving, as long as you stay in your lane and pay attention to what you are doing, 99% of the time youll reach your destination safely; however, if you spend your time looking at what other folks have or are doing in their car, sooner or later youre gonna cause an accident. Usually we find that we dont have time to even care about how someone else is doing what they are doing when we are paying attention to our own stuff, So many of us are so busy worrying about what the next person is doing, who they are dong it with or how what they are doing looks similar to what we are doing, that we cant keep up with our own stuff. Who cares?! Who am I to say what you should do or how, and who are you to tell me the same? You wanna do something like I do it? Have at it! Ill even give you advice if you ask me. Why? Cause it doesnt matter what anyone else does as long as I am doing my best and running my situation the way it needs to be run, then I can always count on being successful regardless! Shoot maybe the next person will be able to show me a better way to do something or maybe (omg is she about to say it?? Yes she is!) we can collaborate and work together and spread the success around (what a novel idea). People act like theres a minute amount of success to be had in this world. Like every single thing or person is to be seen as an obstacle or competitor. Whats funny is that at the same time we say that, we holler Hi Hater! or Haters made me famous. Clearly we dont understand what those phrases mean. They mean to use an obstacle as a step up to the next level. If someone takes your idea or bites your style (as though you invented everything that ever was *rolls eyes* but thats a whole other rant), give them another bite and then step your game up so that the difference between you two is undeniable. They may look like you but they can never BE you. They may do what you do but they can never do it the way you do! So at the end of the day, everything else is irrelevant, you and how you do what you do is all that matters. Have enough confidence in yourself and what you are doing, not to allow the existence of another to shake you or to take your focus off of what it needs to be on, which is doing what you do the best that you can do it. Just my long-winded opinion.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 00:36:33 +0000

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