Some of the opinions Ive heard recently has made me realise that I - TopicsExpress


Some of the opinions Ive heard recently has made me realise that I disagree with progressives, not just ideologically, but for mental health reasons. One of the main strands of progressive insanity is of course the idea that all cultures are equal, even gay-hating, women-hating, Jew-hating ones, apparently. Yes, Ive looked into it and there doesnt appear to be any sort of qualification threshold on this. We have to treat all cultures with equal respect - except, of course, for western culture, which is racist and imperialist, and should trumped whenever possible. Its what we call equality, I think. Or maybe its diversity. Its one of those nice cuddly progressive words, anyway. Well, it would be, wouldnt it? There are many reasons why I could never be a progressive, not least because I am genuinely tolerant of difference. I believe in diversity, especially diversity of opinion, which is something progressives seem to feel threatened by. With some of them it has become such a phobia that a kind of progressive inquisition seems to have developed to stamp down on opinions that are incorrect. And I think this is because most progressives inhabit a self-reinforcing social or professional bubble where everyone carries around the same shallow, unexamined assumptions and certainties, and theyre simply not used to being disagreed with. They find it traumatic, poor souls, which is why progressives are more likely than anyone else (except Muslims) to demand censorship of opinions they dont like. You can measure how progressive you are, if you want to, by how long its been since you called somebody a racist for advocating secularism or democracy - racist, of course, being the handy catch-all word for any social or political opinion progressives disapprove of, used typically as a first resort, like a pepper spray, to shut people up before they can be heard. You see, progressives instinctively know whats best for everyone. It is their core defining trait. They believe that if they find a thing personally offensive to them, it should be banned for everyone. Opinions they personally disagree with should be shouted down before anyone else can hear them. Progressives give themselves permission to think and behave this way because they believe they occupy some kind of high moral ground, an idea that, like so much progressive thought, is both amusing and disturbing at the same time. But because they make this typically arrogant and false assumption, every disagreement becomes a moral judgement, so when they encounter somebody with a different view, a progressive will tend not merely to disagree, as a normal person would, but to actively judge and condemn them as a despicable human being who deserves to be personally vilified and their opinions, however valid, deliberately misrepresented and crushed by any means, however underhand or dishonourable. So theyll quite happily slander you as a racist when they know very well that youre not, yet still be smugly convinced that theyre doing the right thing. Being called a racist is especially unpleasant because it isnt just a casual insult that can be shrugged off. Its a shunning word like traitor or pervert that can stain a persons reputation whether its true or not. And progressives invariably use it with that express intention, from up there on that high moral ground, right across the border from Cloud Cuckoo Land. And they police each other, too, with a puritan ferocity. I know people who are afraid to speak their mind in front of their more progressive friends because they know theyll be judged and condemned for it, and they dont need the hassle. So they keep their mouth shut and pretend to be somebody else. And thats fine with progressives. They dont want to know who you really are. They only care about who youre supposed to be. Its all about a world that should exist, but doesnt. Another important quality progressives possess is that they appear to be excellent mind readers. Whatever you say, a progressive can always tell what you really meant by it. Its a simple formula: if you say X, you must mean Y, and Y is unacceptable, therefore your opinions must be crushed. However clearly you state your position, a progressive will always manage to read between the lines enough to change it so that they can call you a racist. Its really quite an amazing skill... I mean sickness. And it is what I think of as a kind of altitude sickness from constantly occupying that high moral ground where progressives just dont belong, bless them. Their shameless double standards are simply not equipped to survive in an atmosphere that makes such impossible demands on them for unqualified integrity. The strain is just too much for progressives. It seems to weaken their already diminished capacity for clear and honest thought so that their minds fill up with crazy racist apparations, and the spectre of Islamophobia looms over them like a ludicrous bedsheet ghost. Theyre running scared from their own propaganda, these poor people, afraid to step out of line in case the Inquisition turns on them; compelled to keep repeating the lie that all cultures are equal because if they told the truth and said: Well, actually, the evidence is that all cultures are nowhere near equal, and to claim otherwise is an insult to everyones intelligence, then by their own shabby progressive standards they would instantly become racists, which in progressive circles is tantamount to being anointed with the plague. They just cant do it. And this is your real tragedy if you are a progressive (apart from actually being one, that is). Youre trapped up there on that imaginary high moral ground by your own dishonest propaganda. Your history of shamless slander and lofty condemnation would make any climbdown far, far too humiliating, especially when those flimsy relativist double standards of yours simply explode under the pressure of returning to reality, as we like to call it down here on terra firma. And then all those nasty little labels that you have maliciously and falsely pinned on others in the past would come home and attach them to you, where they have always belonged. And we cant have that, now, can we, progressives? So I guess youll just have to brazen it out and keep up the ridiculous charade with your vile and cowardly racist anti-racism, and your ugly hypocritical moral posturing, while the rest of us all have a good laugh at your expense.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:37:34 +0000

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