Some of you all just got to turn the pages of your life over to - TopicsExpress


Some of you all just got to turn the pages of your life over to realize that there’s more to your book than the page you been stuck on all these years; You got to close the chapter of hurts, you got to close this chapter of disappointments and move on to a new chapter where you get the opportunity to start all over again; A bad chapter doesn’t mean you can’t have a beautiful story. God is not through with you yet. Just because the road seems rocky doesn’t mean it won’t lead you to a beautiful place! Don’t hold on to your history at the expense of your destiny; Don’t try to fix what’s been broken in your past, let your future create something better. It’s time to get your life’s worth, its time to get what your life deserves and move on from the things that don’t deserve you. Every new day is a gift to start all over; You got to take advantage of your today; Today is the tomorrow you talked about yesterday; So stop being afraid to move on, Stop been afraid to make progress with your life. You weren’t supposed to get hurt! Yes I know! but it happened! All you got to do right now is turn that page over; I know you lost your job, that’s so sad but listen you got to pick yourself up and turn that page over, I know you messed up your life, but honey your life is not over, you still got to turn the page over!!! You cannot let your scars scare you from having a future; You cannot let your pains stop you from moving forward…..It might be easy to stay bitter, but staying bitter does nothing but hold you back! Its not over until you win!
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 09:44:54 +0000

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