Some people are confused as to what CONSCIOUS AWARENESS is all - TopicsExpress


Some people are confused as to what CONSCIOUS AWARENESS is all about; what my goal in posting is. Is it a truther page? Is it a conspiracy page? Is it a health page? Is it a news page? Well, youre ALL right. My goal is to provide the COMPLETE picture as to what is going on in this world, especially behind the scenes; to connect ALL of the dots. I want to expose corruption and evils such as the banking cartels that control this world, how religion and debt are used as tools of slavery, how Zionism is attempting to infiltrate every aspect of peoples lives. I want to show people how EVERYTHING in this world is connected and affects EVERYTHING else. There are NO coincidences! I want to show people how to break free of the tools of slavery and how to live the best lives possible. I want to show all sides of every issue and not encourage people WHAT to think, but HOW to think in a way that is the most beneficial to them and the world as a whole. I want to expose frauds such as the mainstream media and corrupt political systems. I want to teach people how to be self-sufficient and how to fend for themselves in this world. I want to encourage free thought and creativity. And the rest of the stuff that I post that doesnt seem to fit into this logic scheme? Well, its knowledge; and knowledge is POWER! The more you know, the more dots you can connect. I appreciate ANY and ALL feedback that I get on this page, whether it is critical or complimentary. If you see me making a mistake or missing something that you feel needs to be addressed, please DO NOT HESITATE to say so and call me out on it! Thank you all for your support. Stay conscious my friends. ~ MERIT
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 02:50:01 +0000

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