Some people say they don’t care about the mystic, spiritual or - TopicsExpress


Some people say they don’t care about the mystic, spiritual or science behind Ninjutsu / Tengujutsu, they just want to learn the physical techniques and methods. Yet they wonder why they don’t get anywhere in life and struggle with little things that have no meaning, confused and living in fear due to not knowing how powerful they are. Its all about the way you think as a Ninja / Tengu. A change in degree of thinking can change your whole life. Did you know Tengu could look at life understanding his centre has an opposite in which is death, he may think he has the right to kill within the law of opposite, but he also understands the law of karma, and if he kills within a degree of thinking he could put himself back within the animal kingdom apart of the cycles of death. You see without knowing that other part he would of killed himself; So many do this by going through life not fulfilling that part within them, what is that part so many are missing? its your desire and dreams with knowing thyself as divine spirit, along with the laws of the universe in which benefit YOU. Its because Tengu thinks about the possibilities and relationship with law to all things. knowing he has power to raise his consciousness to great power where stillness is. thus becomes a great guardian and service to all creation, through light into Darkness “Darkness being physical world”. Its funny I give what is asked and yet when I am watched in which they are shocked and ask how? The trouble is, Many do not think their mind is on autopilot with the ego driving them to death. I give these insights into thinking with secret knowledge and truths. If you placed an object or sketch pad in your room, after awhile you would draw on it or play with the object, they both become a relationship between you and your desire through conditions and creativity, even if you just placed the object somewhere in your room, funny how people get treated like objects. I have held a picture of me being a Ninja since I was young and the law has turned me into that Ninja beyond my dreams, voids get filled, objects and pictures change in expansion and with interchange into expression. So what you think about yourself expands, Now you know why its important to know thyself by being aware of your thoughts, words, actions and deeds. If you are an asshole you will only get bigger until you pop. depression with this big word in your head “why” will appear. you are the only one responsible for your life no one else; simple. What I’ve been sharing is only the beginning, I am giving knowledge, truth, secrets empowering you on the spiritual side and the physical techniques and methods of Tengu. Its all love. Don’t worry you can only know the truth when you see the truth, standby. By Ken Andre I am Tengu. theres more to thinking positive.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:41:52 +0000

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