Some quotes from the Money Week Magazine documentary, In the 12 - TopicsExpress


Some quotes from the Money Week Magazine documentary, In the 12 years weve been publishing Money Week Magazine, this is the most serious warning weve ever made. Our message right now is that we believe Britain is entering a long downward cycle, one thats likely to be punctuated by a devastating financial and even social collapse. Events of this magnitude do not come around very often, which is why most people will simply fall victim to it. But when they do happen, you must be ready for it or risk losing everything. Ask yourself: Could I face losing a large portion of my money at this stage of my life? Could I happily retire knowing I wont be able to live the way Ive dreamed, knowing I cannot leave my kids with as much as I hoped? Could I forgive myself if I did nothing to protect my investments and family even after this serious warning? Today you have an opportuntity to protect yourself against Britains coming debt implosion. Dont let yourself become one of the thousands of people here in the UK looking back with regret wondering: What if Id listened? What if Id done something? Our research group draws upon the knowledge and experience of some of the brightest and most forward thinking financial minds in the country. The Money Week team includes an award-winning defensive asset manager whos responsible for more than £1 billion in client money; a financial publishing magnate and self-made millionaire; one of the most respected financial commentators in Britain; and one man so innovative in his reading of the markets he now advises the European Commission. These are men and women who spend every day of their lives either working in or analysing the financial markets, but who most importantly do not get swallowed up by mainstream viewpoints. They are smart, independent people who arent afraid to seriously question conventional wisdom, to stand apart from their peers and cosy groupthink, and to see whats really going on beneath the surface. pro.moneyweek/myk-eob-tpr-cut/PMYKQ208/ moneyweek/endofbritain/
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 10:47:21 +0000

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