Some real thoughts to close out this Saturday night. Scrolling - TopicsExpress


Some real thoughts to close out this Saturday night. Scrolling through a news is a hobby of mine. In my travels through various news agencies local and national, I see a variety of articles. Social media offers a new and interesting avenue as it makes journalism interactive, it also provides the journalist nearly instant and endless feedback. In one such instance today a commenter went full rant on how terrible the reporting was of a certain local news station; not that its quality was lacking or falsified. This individual criticized them for reporting what they thought to be too many negative stories. This set the wheels of the mind in motion, is not the purpose of the media to report what happens, when it happens and exactly how it happens? Could it be possible that as we have been given more options for consumption of information, where in we as the consumer can choose a source that either suits our needs or whos reporting falls in line with our own particular world view ; that we have lost sight of the purpose of news media? If real thought is to occur amongst individuals then the news must reflect what is actually happening in the world. This means there can be no distinction between feel good stories or reporting on tragic events. Those that take up the mantle of journalist must endeavor to be they eyes and ears of the viewer by proxy, and in doing so must avoid becoming that filtered lens we are so often presented. If evidence exists of a scandal it must be followed wherever it leads, hoaxes revealed as hoaxes,tragedies truthfully reported on, and happy events celebrated. At the end of the day , reporting is supposed the creTe a mirror that society and the world can look into and see itself truthfully and objectively . So perhaps if the news is often grim, it bothers us because seeing the world in whatever state it is in , is an uncomfortable reflection.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 04:15:41 +0000

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