Some thoughts via Bring Change to Mind website on Counting Crows - TopicsExpress


Some thoughts via Bring Change to Mind website on Counting Crows singer Adam Durwitz mental experience of the Depersonalization phenomenon: the experience of depersonalization, is also brilliantly poetically expressed in that great concept of Jim Morrison --- lost, in a Roman wilderness of pain --- which is suggestive of a state of mythopoetic disassociation and perpetual dreamlike uncertainty, in which singular events and objects, otherwise ordinary people, can attain ambiguous and then undefinable characteristics and associations in *real/time* of what is otherwise considered to be the consensual and ordinary world and ... across time, as a persons consciousness becomes routed or programmed, or conditioned, by certain processes (over many years) ... the effect of a de-personal-ized perceptual state produces very divergent intangible effects, kind of also referenced in the TS Eliot poem the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, a state of static impossibility of choice : Do i dare to eat a peach? etc. One of the primary problems of mental disorders is that across time --- beginning after Adolescence, the mid - teenage years of integration of Magical Thinking process to Abstraction the routing of the circuitry, the firing patterns, the association of cluster neuronal cascade and cluster complexes become effectively determined and easily provoked and / or gridlocked --- and it becomes difficult to understand how any single MindState is controlled (or not controlled) by Ones Own Brain. In Todays world, the hyper intense media hurricane of any number of highly technological super scientifically powered stimulation --- from all information sources, and the capacity of any single human brain to maintain a unitary self, a cohesive and coherent narrative of experience ... is intensely questionable. Extrapolating from a feminist analogy of war as not being like a football game, but rather more like a hurricane : one asks: Does a single raindrop choose to create a hurricane??? The hurricane is created by various forces such as convection, high and low pressure gradients, hot and cold temperatures on the ocean, the general Coriolis effect of the earths spinning. To consider, The brain is like 75% water and operated by real electrochemical currents... which are also very affected by any degree of modern power --- from Symbols to Language to Chemicals to Electronic Technologies --- and the nature of mental phenomenon and its processes becomes increasingly complex --- and to that point and problem, of course, the astonishing increase in recent autistic presentation is also a phenomenon probably associated with the dominator technologies that can easily over ride the natural Initial conditions of a brain that is (in any brain, but intensely in an autistic brain) *phenomenologically* probably seeking homeostasis --- the preservation of initial conditions --- a self governance, sovereignty of consciousness rather than a fundamentally incomprehensible interaction with what could be easily be perceived and is often experienced as a false chaotic, false cosmological, and obviously also horrifically negatively and only semi-organized state of order, of the modern impositional society. Autism is more complex evolution than that, but it has aspects of a highly self ordered state, supraconsciously and perceptually aware intense non interaction with what is even at highest functioning, a problematic world, and the results appear as a schizoid process of disassociation that however, dissolves as merely negative by what should continually be an astonished recognition of the Savant process, which reveals aspects of consciousness that are so fundamentally mysterious that they question our understanding of the nature of nature. There are positive remedies to many mental disorders --- because the brain, being not just a receptor, but also a generator of control point actions --- can be trained to adapt to acquired mental conditions and to re-generate a self actualization process, from the molecular processes that originate in diet and go to medicinal foundations ... and the restoration works through how even the way one interacts with the television & radio (it is often wise to watch realtime programming such as News with the closed captioning on, the sound down) and to also take shelter in a wordlessness, listening to Jazz and Techno, Classical music --- to reground ones own conscience. The zennists have a great statement If you want to clear muddy water, stop stirring the bowl. Joseph Campbells text The Hero with a Thousand Faces is a great exposition on the mytho-poetic consciousness, the Story of the Stories of Humanity, and the way every person can transcend through the various adventures of life experiences.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:44:13 +0000

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