Someone asked if I photoshoped my makeup on these pictures. .. I - TopicsExpress


Someone asked if I photoshoped my makeup on these pictures. .. I said NO....if you look closely you can see my imperfections on my skin even on my makeup and that to me its ok... I have never said my makeup is perfect. . Do I think Im a decent makeup artist, then yes... yes I am...Im not perfect by any means and I never claimed it to be either. .. but... I do think I can hold my own.... thats only because I love I what I do and I have worked so so hard at it... So going back to the photoshop... nope...I dont do it!.. I dont feel the need to photoshop or add filters to my pictures. Once in a while Ill throw in a filter but its always at a random picture.. its never to make my makeup look nicer or to hide things... what you see is what you get... this is me. If you dont think Im honest then Im sorry but this is honestly how things are and look.... I dont like having to defend myself but I just felt like I needed to. . I work so hard to give my best.. to share my passion and here comes someone with a rude vulgar message and hurts my feelings.... so I just have to clarify with everyone. .. even tho I know I have all of you that always supports me and shows me tons of love!!!! For that I thank you!!!!... but sometimes I get mean comments or messages and my heart just hurts, I am human and I do have feelings. Please to everyone reading this... remember that being mean to someone its not funny. Not everybody can take it.... you never know what that person might be going through. Be a positive impact on someone elses life... dont be the person that puts them down.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 02:50:34 +0000

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