Someone on a forum asked me what is cancer. Here is my - TopicsExpress


Someone on a forum asked me what is cancer. Here is my explanation from years of studying everything out there about the subject. Cancer is normal. What we usually think of as cancer is some mysterious invader cell that can go anywhere and appears out of nothing to build a tumor to kill us. However, that is only the tail end of a very long tale of the bodys cellular structures. Cancer is in the body 100% of the time from the minute you were born. The immune system kills 150 million cancer cells every single day. It is a normal immune function to kill cancer. Every cell in the body is covered with cell surface structures (glycoproteins, glycolipids) made up of glycans or monosaccharide molecules or smart sugars. A cancer cell is a mutated or possibly dying cell that has lived its normal life and has shed its glycoforms and is waiting for the immune system to consume it and recycle its components. Those cell surface glycoforms are the cells communication system that also holds all the heart cells together, and lung cells in the lung, kidney cells in the kidney, and every variety of cells are held together by those glycoforms. The status of one cell is communicated to all the cells in the body by the network of glycoforms. For the purpose of protection any pathogen will try to attach to one of the moeties (open end) in a glycoform and the body is instructed to call out the macrophages or white cells to come destroy the invading pathogen. This is normal immune function the purpose of which is to keep us healthy at all times. When those glycoforms are shed from a newly formed cancer cell, the neighboring cells’ glycoforms will normally recognize that fact and call out the production of Cancer Necrosis Factor and Natural Killer Cells to come and kill and remove that cancer cell. Now once the cancer cell has shed its glycoforms, it no longer has anything to keep it anchored in its place in the body and cannot communicate with the body any more. This means it will easily get swept along to any location in the body (called metastasis). That cancer cell also does not die on its own but seems to be able to either divide or recruit other neighboring cells to itself, which is what tumor building is all about. This is the point at which we think cancer is discovered but this is not the beginning of cancer as this whole process before discovery can take 5-35 years to develop. What allows this growth and metastasis of cancer cells is being ignored by the immune warriors in the body. They ignore the cancer because they are blinded by lack of those glycoforms or glycans on the glycoforms. This is called glycosylation. Full glycosylation means ALL cells are fully populated by glycans and in this condition pathogens do not have a chance against the body’s defense system. For one thing, the moieties (open ends) are filled with glycans and no bacteria or virus can attach to infect any cell. Cells become “non-adhesive.” And if a few cells do have open moieties that attach to the pathogen, the communication system has immune warriors or macrophages out to destroy the pathogen in a short time. The Antibodies that are built by this process are made of glycans that are coded to protect against that same pathogen just in case they are needed in a future invasion of that or similar pathogen. Where do these glycans come from? Our food. Or rather what SHOULD be in our food. When we eat imitation foodlike products instead of fresh organic food, we get very few glycans in our diet. When we eat real food that was picked green and transported thousands of miles to our grocery store, those glycans are still back in the plant the produce was picked from as these smart sugars form in the last days of ripening on the plant. If the body has enough glycans in the diet to supply a sufficient supply of glycans to its glycoforms, the immune system is functioning at 100% Most Americans are surviving with only about 60% of the immune system functioning and they are losing 3-4% each year. The fully glycosylated people are the ones who never get cancer even though their family has a genetic predisposition for cancer. However, when people do not get the nutrition to keep their cells well glycosylated and they do not get enough of the glycans that go into the cell surface sugars, then it is simply cancer waiting to happen. These people should look for tumors frequently because they do not have the immune system to kill enough cancer cells daily and at some point there will be enough cancer cells to form a tumor and try to kill you. So if you boost your glycan level in your diet will it affect your immune function? Will it keep you healthy? Will it make or keep you cancer free? Well lets see, glycans are in food, they are important to every single tiny function in the body and in the immune system. Getting enough of them will fully glycosylate your cells to build lightening responsive, normal immune function. I cannot say you should believe that glycans will turn you from sickly into healthy but the science is there and science doesn’t care whether you believe it or not. It just works in a normal fashion. Real food builds the body to build normal structure and function. Killing pathogens and cancer is normal for every human body. Give it the right nutrition and it builds rock solid health and wellness. Why do toxin levels, stress, and lack of nutrition lead to cancer? Because they are what causes deterioration of immune function. Cancer and disease in general cannot exist in a body with a fully functional immune system.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 20:45:05 +0000

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