Something I remember for Carol Tuttle is a story she shared about - TopicsExpress


Something I remember for Carol Tuttle is a story she shared about just showing up. She was working at becoming a practitioner. She didnt have many clients but she set office hours every day and acted as if. She would go to work. Those hours were filled. How many times do we feel like an inspiration didnt work out when we acted on it? Isnt that Faith with works? What if the work isnt about a one time shot? What if the work is about showing up for yourself and for God over and over despite all things that may be conspiring against you? What if it was about stepping into everything conspiring for you? I knew for over three years I was supposed to start a womans mastermind. I finally did. I invited my friend Wendy to help create it. We set the time, made the food, contacted people, put it out there and prayed HARD! Wendy would drive an hour to my house and I would open the door in tears because the people that said they were coming canceled that day or the night before and nobody was coming. I felt like a failure. I felt all those limited beliefs I was so used to boil to the top and I couldnt hold them back anymore. But Wendy came and we created in those meetings every week for over a month. And then they started to come..... Women... Brilliant women...Women who needed a place to cocoon.... Women who were ready to be more then they ever had before.... Women ready to be their most vulnerable selves and step into their truth at a deeper level.. Women who were already successful and were human... Women who were leaders in their communities and needed a safe place to come and let it all hang out. I would sit in that room with those women and I couldnt believe God sent them into my life. I felt so humbled by each. I learned more then I ever taught. God showed me that I am merely to follow the inspiration and he will teach me. He did so through these women. It pays off. Your inspiration, your vision, your dream. It pays off. Its not about you but it is. The gift is bonds. Bonds that can never be broken. Bonds with people. Thank you to Wendy for believing in me, believing in yourself and believing in what God had in store for us. I miss you Women.....And thank you for being such a real part of my progression. I will forever be grateful for you. I love you forever and always.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 04:37:07 +0000

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