Something from the Malaysian Sports Blogger - Rizal Hashim AN - TopicsExpress


Something from the Malaysian Sports Blogger - Rizal Hashim AN OPEN LETTER TO TUNKU IMRAN (President of olympic Council of Malaysia) and Dato Nik Mahmud (Sport Commissioner of Malaysia) Dated: Feb 23, 2010 Dear YAM Tunku Imran and Ybhg Datuk Nik Mahmud Nik Yusof, I hope this letter reaches your good office with you in good health and in fine spirits. To be honest, though, I am getting sick and tired with your failure to find a solution to the taekwondo saga. I have taken the liberty to attach, with this letter, a few documents that I wish to label as exhibits in the name of clarity and transparency. Datuk, your decision to register Taekwondo Malaysia (TM) beggars belief. I can sense this is done in such a way that TM will be the governing body of taekwondo, which violates the Akujanji signed in 2008, refer to exhibit D. Following the de-registration of MTA in 2005 and later the reinstatement by the same Sports Minister, an ad-hoc committee was formed. In Dec 2008 an Akujanji was signed by all parties to accommodate other taekwondo associations, namely MTF and MTCA under MTA and to collectively grant one vote to all clubs in Malaysia. Therefore my being suprised is an understatement. Are you telling me the Akujanji, a document that usually is binding to its signatories, is a pledge that can be violated anytime to ones whim and fancy? I appeal to your good sense, if theres any, that you look at the issue in totality and give due recognition to all parties. Datuk, as a civil servant, it is incumbent upon you to act and make decisions objectively. I dont wish to remind you of my skirmishes with your predecessor Tan Sri Elyas Omar over the same issue in 2005 when I was still working with the Malay Mail. No doubt, Tunku and Datuk, the idea behind the formation of one umbrella body is noble to govern a sport plagued by internal bickering, favouritism and greed. Ultimately the issue is about money to be made out of grading system and power. A club can easily earn RM500,000 a year based on the number of exponents in its stable. To sideline one party just to accommodate another faction will not solve the impasse which I can safely say is due to the feud between two grand masters. Taekwondo is certainly a sport driven by the club system. However Malaysia practices a State-Federal system, where State governments and the Federal government have certain rights. The matters where powers are assigned to are listed in the State List, the Federal List and the Concurrent List of the Federal Constitution. I urge you, Tunku and Datuk, to consider these issues. Sport is listed under Concurrent List and therefore both states and Federal governments have rights to develop sports. Thus there is a Federal Minister of Sports and at state level, there are Exco members in charge of sport in each state. In addition, SUKMA is competed on an inter-states basis and national championships are also competed on an inter-states basis. If a club located in a State becomes a direct member of the National Sports Association, then that club loses all its privileges and benefits from the State, such as representing the State in SUKMA, in national championships, etc. In other words, since they have no loyalty and affiliation to the State Sports Associations, then they shall be left on their own. This is most important, as otherwise, such clubs will have the cake and eat it, by benefitting from both the state and the Federal government and depriving those clubs which are affiliated and loyal to the State Sports Associations. The definition of a club is also very important. Could a club be on a Pan-Malaysia basis, that is, taking members from every state in the country, or are they restricted to take in members from only the state of their registered address or districts of their registered address. This is most important, for being a national club, it can soon become bigger than the National Sports Association and challenge the National Sport Association. Who are the members of the clubs? Can school children be voting members of a club? If yes, is there an age limit, say over 18 years or 21 years? Should there a minimum number of members become a club could be registered as a club? What is there to prevent abuses, if groups of 10 to 20 parents and their children form a club just to vote an AGMs? Can school pratictioners become voting members of a State Sports Association? The above are very important principles, which should be discussed before any hasty decisions are made. Otherwise, we will be creating more problems than solving problems. And it also create a precedent to others National Sport Association to follow. Tunku, you failed to find a solution to the Malaysian Amateur Athletics Union (MAAU) issue when you chaired a task force after it was suspended in 2002. Your task forces proposed amendments to the MAAU constitution were accepted but they merely encouraged intense politicking and lobbying on an annual basis. This is the chance for you to make amends. As for you Datuk, your contract as the Sports Commissioner expires in May. Before you leave, do the right thing. Reinstate MTA and grant MTF and MTCA affiliation, with voting rights for the premier clubs limited to one. Taekwondo Malaysia should not stand for Tak Malu. Sincerely, Rizal Hashim
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 14:32:31 +0000

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