Something my dad wrote... This is an open letter to the US - TopicsExpress


Something my dad wrote... This is an open letter to the US Congress I am writing this on behalf of the over 800,000 government employees – excluding the exempt Congress, who are affected by your actions. Several months ago, when it became apparent that the people we trusted to run our country realized that there was not going to be enough money to fund the government until the end of the fiscal year, you informed us that we would have to be furloughed one day a week for 6 – 11 weeks to make up the deficit. What that meant for us was that you would take 20% of our take home pay to cover expenses for the entire country, and we would never be reimbursed for this. All government employees were forced to do this, except the exempt Congress! Instead of staying in Washington to work on resolving the problem, and upcoming problems, you took a week of vacation. You didn’t have another crisis coming up until September 30, so in August, you took the entire month off, while all government employees – except members of Congress - were still being furloughed one day a week. Keep in mind that we, the government employees – excluding the exempt Congress, did not create the short fall in the budget. This Congress, and others before you, has made some really bad decisions. Instead of working together to correct the problems, Congress used the government employees as a quick fix to get the money needed to fund the government. You, in essence, robbed us of our livelihood to cover your mistakes. Our income is gone and we have to figure out how to manage to pay mortgages, utilities, and daily expenses on 20% less than what we are accustomed to having. All during this furlough, Congress is not paying their 20% because they are exempt, and you add insult to injury by taking lots of vacation days. For the past few weeks, I have been watching to see how Congress would handle the current crisis. Surely, you would not do something as stupid as shutting down the government because your egos appear to be far larger than your brains. And here we are, 800,000 government employees – except the exempt Congress - being furloughed again. The very same employees you robbed of 20% of their take home pay last quarter are now furloughed again indefinitely until you can get your act together. What I’m seeing and hearing is absolutely shameful. You are playing a political game which amounts to bullying. The 800,000 government employees – except the exempt Congress - have not done anything wrong, but you are using them as pawns in a political chess game. They are being penalized for going to work and doing their job every day. Since Congress is exempt, this is not causing any problems for you. My message to you is quit acting like bullies in a kid’s sandbox! Watch yourselves on TV and you will see the sneers, and posturing that is totally unprofessional. If you were doing this type of behavior in the private sector, every one of you would be looking for new jobs. You asked for our votes to put you in Congress to take care of us. You have betrayed us because you are using your positions to play a political game, and the welfare of your constituents has been forgotten long ago. Get this resolved immediately. 800,000 government employees – except the exempt Congress – are being harmed. This is disgraceful, disgusting, and unconscionable for the most powerful country in the world to have this behavior in our leadership. Maybe, someone with common sense will run soon.. we an only hope.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 05:29:34 +0000

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