Sometimes God just puts you in the right place at the right time. - TopicsExpress


Sometimes God just puts you in the right place at the right time. I debated on skipping grocery shopping tonight. Its late, Im tired, I have a million other things that need to be done. But I went and now Im glad I did. A woman in line behind me had very few items in her cart. Just the basics. Bread, milk, cheese, a few vegetables. She asked the cashier to ring up the bread last so she could see if she had enough money. Turns out she didnt so was going to skip the bread. I paid for it instead. The woman tried to not accept it at first but when I refused and handed the money to the cashier she broke down in tears. She showed me pictures of her newborn baby in the NICU and said times are really tough for her family right now and there are not words to express her gratitude. I dont share this story as a pat on my own back. Its not about me and its not my money anyway...its Gods money that He has left me in charge of. I share this because I want to encourage you to help someone this week. You never know what one incredibly small act can have on someones life. I gave that woman $10. And the conversation that followed blessed me more than it did her I am certain. I also believe that someday when they pull through their hard time...she will do the same for someone else. Ive been there. We all have at some point. You know...if we all could focus a little more on helping each other out and a little less on much better could our world be?
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 04:44:39 +0000

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