Sometimes, I have the tendency to jump to conclusions and - TopicsExpress


Sometimes, I have the tendency to jump to conclusions and overreact (and if my husband were to read this he would say something like “Ha! Sometimes?!”) It is true though; a situation will arise and I will instantly conclude the worst possible outcome. Sometimes, I have done the same in relationships. I immediately assume someone has made a poor decision or is deliberately trying to hurt me. Most often, I do this without even realizing my actions and most often, I am wrong. I know part of the reason for this behavior is a lack of trust…an issue that stems from the heart – from the hurt. Can you relate? I praise Jesus for His Grace. That He is constantly working within to give me a heart that is open and eager. One that will let people in, even if that means I’m vulnerable to be hurt again. There was a time when I believed the best way to protect my heart was to make it hard as stone. But I’ve learned this means missing out on a whole lot of life and love. So, when I feel those thoughts of doubt creep in; when I overreact and I feel the urge to fight or flee. When the issue of trust comes up in a relationship that is strong, I pray this: “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” Psalm 139:23-24 You see, God knows my wild heart better than anyone. He knows because He’s there, in every pulsing beat. He knows when I’m leaning away for fear of hurt instead of leaning in. By praying this Psalm, I’m turning to Him for guidance and I can better hear His gentle nudge. His reassurance brings comfort as He works from within and reminds me to trust. To love. To live. I’m still not very good at it, but I’m getting better. If youre like me, wont you try praying this Psalm next time you feel the anxiety in your heart? Wont you let the Mighty Counselor minister to your soul? Give it a try! Thank you, Jesus, for letting my past be something You use to make the future all the more better. For taming this anxious, fearful heart. May I continue to turn to You as You work on this rough soul. You are so good! And all my Jesus friends’ said “Amen!”
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 00:54:52 +0000

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