Sometimes, life throws unexpected twists your way. If there is one - TopicsExpress


Sometimes, life throws unexpected twists your way. If there is one thing I have learned...change happens for a reason and it is almost always for the best. Every time there has been a change of direction put before me, closing one door, another has always opened with even larger opportunity. Because of this, and the strength I carry at my very core, I have come to enjoy change. I am thankful, and so very appreciative, for all of the support that I have received in the writing community. To those of you who have faith in me, in my writing abilities and have supported me as I start my career - Thank You. Its such a simple word, but those two words mean so much. Your support and the belief you have in me will not go unfounded. I have confidence in my ability to write, to convey a story that will draw readers. I have confidence in my ability to connect with readers and fellow-authors alike. I have confidence that I will pave a very successful career as an Author. Of these particulars I have no doubt. The word try does not exist within my vocabulary - never has - and never will. Months back, I was rushed, focusing only on the rush of publishing. No longer. With valuable input and advice that I received (and absorbed), my focus has drastically changed. I am not interested in pumping out another quickie erotic romance, rushing through every step to do so. When I did, my writing suffered terribly. Rather, my focus has changed to quality, depth and detail. Publishers will always be there. I am at the very start of my career. My work will be published...when the time is right. Of that I have no doubt. But, in this, my first manuscript, I am determined to learn. I am determined to produce a quality novel that readers will enjoy and one that I WILL BE PROUD of; one that will set a strong foundation for my career as it progresses forward. It was the words said to me (by one of my mentors) that clarified everything. She told me, You have years ahead to publish. Years ahead yet to experience it all. BUT you only have this one time, this one moment, to write you first.. While the quality, and ease with which you create your work, will grow over the length of your career, there is only one chance for your first. Take the time to make it good. Really good. Spend the time drafting, editing, revising. I am taking those words to heart. My hope is that, when my novel is published, you will see this time and dedication reflected in my work. Hugs, Shelbie =)
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 02:36:55 +0000

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