“Sometimes, you have to admit you’re wrong,” the editorial - TopicsExpress


“Sometimes, you have to admit you’re wrong,” the editorial stated. “And, we were wrong.” The paper even pined for the Bush Administration despite calling it a “sub par presidency,” longing for “the good ol’ days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq.” The piece went on to list eight mistakes the editorial board thinks President Obama has made (as explained by The Washington Examiner): *The scandal over NSA spying on Americans *Obama’s “war on carbon” and his failure to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. *The failure of diplomacy in Iraq that put the country on the brink of civil war. *The Bowe Bergdahl swap, which made the administration seem incompetent. *Mismanagement of the Department of Veterans Affairs that led to to veterans dying before they could receive medical care. *Obama breaking his promise to become the “most transparent administration in history.” The Gazette said the president’s administration is so opaque that is has earned a reputation worse than that of Richard Nixon. *The failure of Obamacare, which the paper called a “boondoggle.” The editorial described (HUSSEIN) Obama as “hopelessly short on action,” although some of the president’s critics consider him too active when it comes to executive orders and other actions not authorized by Congress. *It also said his mistakes “demonstrate a disturbing trend of incompetence and failure.”
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 22:00:25 +0000

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