Sons and Daughters of Africa, harbingers of the new world order, - TopicsExpress


Sons and Daughters of Africa, harbingers of the new world order, what can i say. There is again a scramble for Africa and both the Soviet Union and the United States of America are trying to win the loyalty of the African states. Africa is being wooed with more ardor than than she has ever been. Lovers of my Africa, we are seeing within our own day the second rape of Africa, a determined effort by imperialists powers to dig their claws still deeper into the flesh of the squirming victim. Iam afraid this time these war-mongers, gentleman are dealing with a new generation which cannot be BAMBOOZLED. How could it be otherwise when fur centuries the African people have been victims of violence and slavery. Yet if the Western world is still determined to rule mankind by force, then Africans, as a last resort, may have to appeal to force in the effort to achieve Freedom, even if force destroys them and the world. We are what we are because of GOD of Africa made us so!!!!. We dare not compromise, nor dare we use moderate language in the course of freedom. Long live Africa, Africans must unite and overthrow white domination Aluta continua, the cry for freedom and independence continue Uhuru
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 08:06:41 +0000

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