Sophia dried her tears and her legs unwillingly carried her - TopicsExpress


Sophia dried her tears and her legs unwillingly carried her through the next door. The blonde didnt even presume to try and guess what new hell might lie behind the old wooden barrier. Her hands were worn and dirty but her fingers curled around the doors rusted knob and turned it, stepping inside. This room, upon entering was different. There was plenty of light, no darkness leaving her mind to wonder. What she saw almost made her wish she was in the dark, searching for a key blindly. Two bodies laid before her, each hooked to a monitor, tracking their slow heartbeats. Sophia knew whatever she was going to have to do to find this rooms key and escape wasnt going to be pretty. As her hues frantically did a scan of the men and the room, she noticed each man had a note attached to his chest. With a trembling hand, Sophia approached the man on the right first, taking the note from his chest and squinting to read the scribbled writing on the dirty parchment. An eye for an eye leaves both parties partially blind, but since this man appears to be sleeping there would be no harm in making him suffer alone. Look past what you see to retrieve your escape key. Look past what you see.. she mumbled allowed, furrowing her brows. What the hell does that mean? she sighed, in a rather frustrated tone of voice. Still confused and too tired to try and decipher it just yet, Sophia took the note from the other man and her eyes scanned the paper quickly. The answer you seek with this man is not physical but instead mental. You neednt acquire a key if you can wake the dead. But choose wisely, as one question is all the time you will be given to ask him - if you can revive him. This note made Sophia instantly become nervous. Wake. The. Dead. she said slowly outloud so that she could process the words. But before she had reached any sort of conclusion, something else caught her eye. A board, lit up just across the room. An x-ray showing the rooms key behind the first mans eye. A scalpel then appeared beside her, though it may have been there before and she not noticed it along with a final note, that read, The choice is yours, save a life or end one? Sophia found herself short of breath as she put the last note back beside the scalpal. What to do? She was sure she wasnt going to have long to decide. How was she going to wake the dead? And even more important, what would happen if she did? Selfishness suddenly conumed her thoughts as Sophia looked at the two men before her. What if she didnt succeed, would she be the next body laying there, waiting to be saved or killed? Her hand was shaking uncontrollably as she picked up the scalpal and gripped it tightly. Tears instantly formed in her eyes as she walked to the man with a key hidden behind his eye. Im sorry... she whispered and without thinking, Sophia plunged the scalpal into his eye, blood splattering her face. She kept carving, pieces of flesh and mauled eyeball flying everywhere as blood coated her hands. Sobs were coming from her trembling lips by the time she got his eye completely out. After what felt like an eternity, Sophia pulled a bloody key from the skull of the man shed just murdered. She dropped the scalpal and ran toward the door. After struggling to get it unlocked she left the room and slammed the door behind her, taking her blood covered hands to her face she kept sobbing, Im sorry. Im sorry.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:30:29 +0000

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