Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re REALLY not going - TopicsExpress


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re REALLY not going to like this one! What do you get when you eat at a restaurant? Most of the time, you’ll always get these 3 things… 1) Food LOADED with inflammation from polyunsaturated fats (vegetable oils) When I speak of polyunsaturated fats, I’m speaking directly to: •Corn oil •Soybean oil •Safflower oil •Nut oil •Canola oil •Peanut oil •Trans fats (artificially created) These oils are VERY new to the food supply and were not a part of the diet until about 100 years ago. However, they are mainstream in almost every restaurant across America because they are incredibly cheap, and liquid at cold temperatures (making them food prep friendly). These make them especially common, but the worst enemy of your waistline! So what’s so bad about these fats? Your restaurant meal comes with a hefty side of inflammation as polyunsaturated fats: •Have a direct correlation to the increase of heart disease •Interfere with thyroid gland function– impairing the metabolic rate •Block hormone secretion •Can contribute to high cholesterol •Damage all systems of the body if in excess: hormone system, immune system & oxidative damage •Interfere with digestion •Decrease energy production •Block protein digestion in the stomach So next time you are at a restaurant, if you can– request your food be fried in butter! Not these harmful oils! Or better yet, seek out restaurants that do things right, by cooking with traditional fats such as butter, lard and olive oil. 2) GMOs in your food; harming your gut health Not only when you eat out at most restaurants are you CONSUMING GMOs, you’re also SUPPORTING with your fork! The top GMO crops currently are: •Soy •Corn •Cotton •Canola •Sugar beets •Alfalfa •Zucchini •Yellow squash •Papaya (from Hawaii and China) GMOs in the food supply mess with nature and the changes are IRREVERSIBLE, contaminating the food supply permanently. GMO products contain a toxin called BT which is linked to intestinal permeability (leaky gut) as it can poke holes in your intestines! “But we also know that it pokes holes in human cells, not just in insect cells. They finally tested the Bt toxin on human cells and published a study in 2012 in the Journal of Applied Toxicology. It poked little holes, causing leakage in human cells, which researchers say is similar or exactly the way it kills insects.” -Jeffrey Smith, Seeds of Deception 3) Hormones and chemicals in your food, especially MONSANTO laced dairy products Because the bottom line is so important in the restaurant industry, inexpensive dairy products are the very typical. Dairy products that undoubtedly are rBST containing products. The very same rBST products that are BANNED in Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and in the 27 countries of the European Union according to Organic Valley. So what exactly is rBST? As Organic Valley defines it, “Bovine somatotropin (BST) is a protein hormone naturally produced in the pituitary glands of cattle. Monsanto developed a recombinant version, rBST, by using a genetically engineered E. coli bacteria. Sold under the brand name “Posilac,” it is injected into cows to boost milk output in the short term. This practice is coming under increasing scrutiny. rBST is also known as rBGH (recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone).” How do you tell what a restaurant uses? How do you know if your favorite restaurant is guilty as charged? It’s pretty simple. If a restaurant goes out of their way to source high quality ingredients they will point it out on the menu. If not, there is probably NOTHING to brag about when it comes to ingredient sourcing… Want to take action? Here’s what you can do: Copy and send the following email to your favorite restaurants. You have the power to make them change their ways! “Dear restaurant owner, I love eating out at your restaurant, but I don’t love what it does to my body and to my health. Please consider eliminating or reducing the amounts of vegetable oils, GMO foods and rBST dairy products on your menu. I prefer to vote with my fork, and I can’t support your food quality and sourcing. Read more at: butternutrition/jaw-dropping-restaurant-facts Sincerely, [your name]” Wouldn’t it be cool if eating out ADDED to your health instead of subtracting from it? Please share in the comments!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 02:06:17 +0000

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