Sorry to say, however righteous the Palestinian cause, most - TopicsExpress


Sorry to say, however righteous the Palestinian cause, most Maldivians are standing up for it for the very wrong reasons. Many people blindly jump on the bandwagon without any knowledge of how this conflict even began or why it is still perpetuating, simply under the false impression that there is a religious obligation towards the cause because all Palestinians are Muslims and all Israelis are Jews. As a result, these people end up promoting anti-Semitism, disparaging the innocent victims of the Holocaust, and glorifying Hitler. I wonder how many of these people are aware that there are people who belong to all religions on both sides. I wonder how many of these people realise the fact that Muslims and Jews lived in co-existence during the Ottoman Empire, on a land that some now claim is Palestine. There was no country by the name Palestine back then; there were no clearly defined borders. More than America, in my opinion, it is the United Kingdom who has the most historical and moral obligation to intervene, as it was the antithetical commitments of the Balfour Declaration that kicked off what we today know as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is also extremely disturbing to see many people embolden the actions of Hamas. Do these imbeciles not realise that Hamas firing ineffective missiles from a prison camp - in the name of God - at a people who boast one of the worlds most powerful militaries is exactly what is giving the Israeli Defence Force the pretext to kill dozens more of innocent Palestinian civilians? And please do not mistake the little boys you see on videos throwing stones at Israeli military tanks for Hamas. They are not Hamas. They are in fact the very innocent kids who die as a result of the greed and malice of Hamas. Support the cause because you value human life, and not because of your religious supremacism. Support Palestinians because you reject the western medias reinforcement that an Israeli life is worth more than a Palestinian life. Support Palestinians because you believe in their right to return to their occupied homeland. Support Palestinians because you do not think Israeli retaliations are proportionate and justified. And if you truly want to be helpful, stop adding fuel to fire and lobby your elected representatives to push for a two-state solution in the international arena.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:20:16 +0000

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