Soul mates As I lay in bed at around 4 am this morning, neither - TopicsExpress


Soul mates As I lay in bed at around 4 am this morning, neither awake nor asleep, but definitely wishing to be one or the other, I heard a voice in my head that started talking to me about soul mates, I jumped out of bed and went downstairs to write down everything that I had heard as I knew it would only be a vague memory in the morning, when I got up this morning to type up what I had heard and written, , this is what I heard………………………….. “As you lie there semi conscious, as your mind is working overtime trying to search for a solution to your dilemma, you are emitting thoughts and that is why I have come to you this night, for all thoughts are silent prayers to the universe and this night I come to you to guide you and to give you understanding. You think that this is the first prayer that you have ever had answered, but it is not, for when a prayer is uttered in faith it is always answered, but just not necessarily in the way you might have expected, you see the universe always provides what is needed, but not what was asked for, your free will for the most part gets you into more trouble than you admit, so the universe cannot be party to your downfall by placing in your lap that which will do you no good. Your constant thoughts are of your soul mate, your one true love, I smile on you and congratulate you because you have found it, but more important than that, you have recognised it, most do not, however that does not necessarily mean that you will get to keep it, why, because the children of this world are peculiar creatures, because sometimes they have to question everything and over analyse that which needs no analysis, only acceptance, and because of this their lives become hit and miss affairs by degree, because their conscious choices are only ever half right, but don’t worry too much, so are everybody else’s, if they live and operate at this level of mind. Sometimes you will hear people espouse uncommon wisdom, but because its heard so much it is filtered out and ignored without any thought or contemplation, an example of this would be “There is someone for everybody” there is, but only one, but my guess is that you have never contemplated that saying with the respect and understanding that it deserves because it is the key to happiness, the thought of that expression momentarily provides you with a sense of joy, which is quickly replaced with a feeling of dread, why? Because you do not understand the concept of your soul mate or how they will be revealed to you, instead you attempt to explain it all away, with thoughts like, “How can I possibly find them in a sea of over 6 billion people, especially when they are spread so far and wide. I can promise you this, your soul mate will be presented to you, your paths will cross, they always do, but you may not recognise them, but the opportunity of this great miracle will be afforded to you. What you do with one of the greatest miracles in life is up to you, but you will be presented with clues, first of all, when you are in the presence of your soul mate, you will know , because soul mates enjoy the same characteristics and universal qualities, and to help you on your path I will reveal some of these to you, because I love you, and I do not wish for what is meant for you to pass me by. The first thing you will notice when you are in the presence of your soul mate is that you will sense something, something different about this person, something special, something that you cannot explain, but you immediately feel different, however you must not confuse this feeling with lust, for when you meet your soul mate its all about love, love comes first, it always does, and a meeting based on lust will not be forever and cannot be your soul mate, for it is a connection of souls, and physical love comes second. The uninitiated and shallow always act on lust as if it is a lasting recipe for happiness and contentment, it will be for a while, but its never for long as nothing manufactured lasts forever, but the soul does. When your soul mate is presented to you the first time, you may not act on it, but from that point on, you will be forever different because you have met them and no one else will or can ever take their place, because whoever you are with, you will not feel complete, it simply isn’t possible, there will be the sense that there is more than this, and there is, and it is due to this meeting of souls that your life can never settle for less ever again, people do, but they are never entirely happy. You may not act on this revelation and you may not meet again for several years, but you will meet again, this I promise you, and this time you will know for sure, you may not meet them in person, you may receive an unexpected letter, see them in a newspaper or a friend may mention them to you even if they have no knowledge that you even know each other, this is the universe bring your souls together, you will know your soul mate for they are your one true love, you may choose to deny it, but why would you want to or even contemplate such a thing, for this is your one true chance to experience bliss on earth, and to experience bliss, is to enjoy an earlier heaven, it is the only opportunity to experience bliss right here on earth before you get to enter heaven. That does not mean that there wont be challenges to overcome, you must know by now that nothing worthwhile is ever easy, but soul mates walk a path together, side by side, and together they face and overcome all adversities and challenges together. Only an infinitesimal amount of marriages are fortunate enough to be with soul mates, that is why half of all marriages fail, the vast majority of the rest of marriages stay together for ulterior motives such as children, money, shame, the fear of being alone and many more, but they are divorced of heart, and therefore not really married in the eyes of God, but soul mates cannot divorce because they are joined by heart, marriages between soul mates are marriages made in heaven and that is because they were made to enjoy an earlier heaven whilst here on earth, for a marriage between soul mates is a wedding of souls and is the only authentic marriage . Once you have found your one true love you cannot be separated, at some point, one of you will die and join me, but the one who remains will always follow shortly after. Imagine you see the remaining and old man or woman sitting on their porch, gently rocking and reminiscing with a tear in their eye, but do not pity them, they do not weep with a sense of loss, they do not weep for what has passed, they weep for the great gift of a soul mate that was granted to them, the remaining soul mate waits for God to call them, they know it wont be long, because those joined at heart must be together, and it is never long, that is why when we hear about an old man or woman who has died very shortly after their partner, they didn’t die of a broken heart or lose their will to live, they have just been called by me so that they can be one again be with the one thing that they can never be far from, their soul mate. To the uninitiated it is viewed as a tragedy, but it is not, it is one of heavens most beautiful miracles, for soul mates will be together in heaven just as they were together here on earth. Your soul mate will evoke feelings in you that you have never experienced in another human being ever before, and the older you are when you find them, the easier they will be to spot, the younger person seldom recognises their soul mate when presented to them, for many reasons, they do not know, because they have not had enough experience of what isn’t, therefore they are destined to pass as ships in the night, for the time being anyway. However for people in their 40s, 50s and older, its much easier to spot your soul mate, in truth it is a very simple revelation, because at these stages of life, you have had many experiences of what a soul mate isn’t, and you will never ever have experienced love or feelings of this nature ever before, when you get to feel like this for the very first time you will know that this is your soul mate, your one true love, the one that you are destined to share your life with, within days you will be able to talk openly about things that you may not have been able to disclose easily with others, you will be able to declare your love for each other quickly, it will seem quick to you, but in truth it isn’t because your hearts and souls have always been in love with each other, that is why you feel as though you have always known them, and you are not strictly communicating at a human level in the way you understand it, it is actually your hearts and souls that are embracing each other, to some extent you are actually only here so that they can meet and be together, however it is all communicated through the two of you as your bodies are just the vehicles, through which this wonderful meeting of souls is initiated. Once this opportunity is presented to you, embrace it, celebrate it, and be thankful that you have found what the smallest minority have had the great fortune to find. If we allow it to pass us by, if we deny it, we are destined to endure a journey of an endless fruitless search for something that you can never find in someone else, because there really is someone out there for everyone, but only one, its your soul mate, your one true love. By Mark Baker with gratitude
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 09:02:49 +0000

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