South Korea has showed an unusual affection for the potential of - TopicsExpress


South Korea has showed an unusual affection for the potential of famous Jackie Chan’s K-POP rookie idol group, JJCC. Overseas countries such as the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the United States have also shown high interest in the group. Member Eddie (Eddy) Can cross 3 octaves and do a variety of dance such as: hip-hop, jazz, and ballet. He was apart of Jackie Chan Stunt Group Mac (Prince Mak) Is Chinese-Australian and former winner of China’s famous survival program where he caught the eye of Jackie Chan and was then picked as the final JJCC member and has won several singing and dancing competitions in Australia, China, and Hong Kong. Simba (SimBa) The leader with a superior body structure. Coe (E.Co) Domestic & foreign runway fashion model(?) Sanchung (San-Cheong) A singer-songwriter and the youngest member. All members before debut did international activities and became fluent in at least 3 different languages such as Korean, Chinese, and English. They have a steady flow of international celebrities which opens up the possibility of overseas expansion. The official debut of JJCC is set this month. ~~~ Source:toumblr/news.naver/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=108&aid=0002288740&sid1=001&lfrom=twitter&spi_ref=m_news_twitter
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:25:59 +0000

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