Special Announcement From James Dear clients and friends of - TopicsExpress


Special Announcement From James Dear clients and friends of Get-Focused, Over the past two weeks, many of you will have heard rumours to the effect that, due to contractual changes, Get-Focused was considering relocating from Abshot Country Club. It is with regret that I am able to confirm that, with immediate effect, Get-Focused has withdrawn its operation from the club. At the start of the year, an agreement was signed with the owner of the club which set out the terms by which the relationship with Get-Focused and Abshot would operate throughout 2014. On June 29th, I was handed a letter informing me that this agreement was being terminated on 30 days’ notice and imposing a whole new set of terms on my business within the club. These terms are prejudicial to both my business and my clients. On a practical level, it would also have entailed moving most of my business away from Abshot to an alternative venue. I have spent over five years building Get-Focused to where it is today and have invested a lot of time, effort and money in doing so. I had also embarked on a plan to expand the business last September when I went into business with Dave. It was always my intention for the Abshot PT business to be the rock upon which the rest of the business was founded; the flagship operation for Get-Focused. However, foundations have to be solid and it is vital that the relationships that I have with the organisations where we are based are founded on mutual respect and that both parties work together for the common good and conduct their activities in a professional and mature manner. Sadly, I now realise that this can never be the case at Abshot. I have spent the last two weeks in various consultations with partners and clients alike. Your support has been tremendous and very clear. As negotiations have not been possible, I have taken the painful, but correct, decision to relocate the whole of my business. I am presently searching for a permanent new home and am in discussions with suitable venues. I do have options and Get-Focused will be training our clients as usual next week. I will be speaking to each of you individually and coming up with a plan so that both Dom and I can meet your training needs. You have my commitment that we will do everything in our power to ensure that your training is not interrupted. I’d like to take this opportunity to apologise to all of our Get-Focused clients for the inconvenience that this change will cause. I’m also aware that many of you have also taken out individual and corporate memberships, based in part on the assumption of an on-going Get-Focused presence at the club. I understand any anger that this will no longer be the case but ask for your appreciation that this is a huge step for me and one that I have not taken lightly. Although some things are changing, it’s also worth pointing out what isn’t changing. Both Dom and myself are still available for training in the Abshot area. Dan is still available for Warsash Maritime College and April and Marcus are heading up our exciting expansion at The Solent Hotel. Our commitments to our corporate customers are still in place and we plan to significantly expand these over the coming 12 months, including expanding our unique Fit2Think course. In conclusion, this is a regrettable but necessary step to secure the long-term future of Get-Focused. I’d like to thank the owners of Abshot Country Club for giving me the opportunity to move my business into the club five years ago. It was fun building my business in an environment where the perception was that there was no demand for PT, to the present stage where Abshot was arguably one of the busiest clubs around for PT. I know that with change comes uncertainty, but with your support, I am certain that we can move from strength to strength. If any of you have questions about these changes then please contact myself or Dave or e mail us via the website. Finally, if all of this has left you needing a drink then just to remind you that the Get-Focused summer social is still going ahead on Saturday August 16th where eating and drinking are mandatory! I’ll also be able to talk to you all in a more relaxed environment, as it’s a cheat day for me too! James.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 15:29:54 +0000

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