Spirit guides are there to help you with insite and guidance on - TopicsExpress


Spirit guides are there to help you with insite and guidance on your duties.Spirit guides and totems choose you. You dont choose them they can come in many ways even by symbolic forms. Spirit guides are placed by habitat like on earth.. The land spirit animal represent your physical and emotional grounding that are linked to intuition and vigilance Bird spirit animal is the showing of strenths and the desire for freedom and represents harmony with other creatures. Helping to assist in in obtaining a higher consciousness Water spirit animal connect with your spiritualy and reveal your inner most desires and fears A reptile spirit animal helps to see yourself both innternaly and externally. They give you time to adapt in changes in your surrounding and to be independent. Insect spirit animals help with persistence and determination and will guide you to patience and the ability to be objective. There are four types of animal spirit guides Messenger°Journey°Life° Shadow Messenger° appears when needed guidance in a dangerous situation until the message is clear and warning is needed. Journey° Comes when theres a fork in the road when a decision is in order to change the course of path in ones life. The animal guide will stay beside until the journey is finished. Life spirit guide stays with you at all times throughout your life time. This guide is a reflection of who and what your spiritual makeup. You can have many of these. A shadow spirit guide will test. First may put fear in you and will teach lessons about what areas need changing in your life. Represents your inner fears and will keep reappearing until positive changes are made.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 18:04:06 +0000

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