Spirituality has a certain connotation to it. It comes with - TopicsExpress


Spirituality has a certain connotation to it. It comes with expectations and guidelines when in fact this couldnt be farther from reality. People think that being spiritual means you cant slip up, you cant hurt people, you cant do anything whatsoever that one sees as hypocritical. Well I say if you dont slip up, if you dont hurt people, if you arent hypocritical at times, then you arent learning. You arent growing. You arent evolving. And a huge part of spirituality requires growth. It takes pain and suffering to grow. It takes hurting people to learn that you never want to do that again - that causing pain to another human being causes pain to yourself. It takes being hypocritical at times to learn that youve gotta practice what you preach, or you might as well keep your mouth shut. Be the change you wish to see in the world, I like to remind myself. Spiritually is just a word - its the idea behind this word that we need to inspect more carefully. Its the idea that we treat one another with unconditional love; that we treat ourselves with unconditional love. That we can remove ourselves from the fear and go within to see through the illusions. But also that we accept and allow. Accept whatever comes to you, and allow the flow of the universe to match your rhythm. Accept when youre feeling down, because being spiritual does not mean we have to be bubbly and cheerful and uplifting 100% of the time. That would be ridiculous and to put that expectation on ourselves which many of us do is not realistic. Everything in this universe is about balance - if we were happy at all times then happy would just feel normal. Which is great but I think that takes away from how incredible we feel when we experience happiness. We experience low moods and when we finally bring ourselves back up again its the most rewarding feeling ever. Ive noticed lately that people get this surprised look on their face when I tell them Im feeling down. And god forbid I drop the word depressed on them...they get all wide-eyed and realize that I, too, am a human being with human emotions. Yes, I am a human being! I am not perfect nor will I ever be. My spirit is perfect but the universe balances that out with my ego. And guess what? Your spirit is perfect too. Because in my eyes we are all spiritual beings. Whether or not we choose to practice that and live in love is entirely up to us.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 17:15:53 +0000

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