Sri Lankan Fans Urged To Hide Their Flag For Their Safety As - TopicsExpress


Sri Lankan Fans Urged To Hide Their Flag For Their Safety As Police Fear Revenge: Amid largely peaceful protest by Tamils in Cardiff today , due to large number of Tamils with Indian fans continue to chant against Sri Lanka, British police have urged all Sri Lankan fans to hide their flag for their own safety. Since the attack by Sri Lankan Sinhala fan mobs on Tamils , especially young female activist, wide spread anger is been seen as reaction from Tamils. Neither any Sinhala groups or Sri Lankan government condemned the attack on Tamils , rather praised the attackers as ‘heroes’ and urged more Sinhala youth to join the attacks on Tamil protests. There has been wider arguments seen on social network between Tamils and Sinhalese on social network. A Facebook account set up to praise ‘Nipul Devaraperuma’ , a London-Balham living ethnic Sinhala man , for his assault on Tamils at Oval saw thousands of ‘likes’ from Sri Lankan ethnic Sinhala groups whcih included MPs from Sri Lanka. Amid fear of growing anger between Tamil and Sinhala communities , is widely seen as Met Police’s failure to stop the assault by Sinhala mobs on Tamils. Even after the details of Sinhala mob members is been widely exposed on Social network , Met Police have not made any arrests on the ugly incident. Tamil activists and British Tamil Forum have called Tamils to remain calm as Met Police will take appropriate action on the Sinhala racists group members who assaulted the Tamil activists. One of the Tamil activist said Sinhalese should learn the British democracy which allows the right to protest despite of political differences and he said the mentality of the Sinhalese fans resembled the behaviour of Sinhalese towards Tamils in Sri Lanka. Tamils have been persecuted and threatened by Sinhala community who deny the right of Tamsil to protest and write any criticisms on Sri Lankan government.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 04:21:26 +0000

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