Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today Today is the anniversary - TopicsExpress


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today Today is the anniversary of Art of Living. Actually there is no beginning to this knowledge. This is beginningless, coming from ages, lifetimes. But formally the first Art of Living organization got registered on 13th November 1981. #SriSri addresses farmers who have come for the Farmers Meet from all over the country The country in which the farmers are happy, all the citizens of that country will also be happy. If the farmers are unhappy then the citizens of that country cannot stay disease free and happy. So it is very essential for farmers to be happy. There are two ways for the farmers. One is to increase inner strength, awaken self-confidence in themselves. Then when the problems come, they have the inner strength to bear them. And the other is to plan so that the problems don’t come in the first place. There are some things in our hands and some that are not. What is in our hand that we must do. For that which is not in our hand, we surrender and pray to God and increase our confidence in that way. We will discuss all this in the next three days (in the Farmer’s meet). The whole objective is to benefit the farmers. If the farmer benefits then crores of people benefit. Because of the efforts one farmer, lakhs of people are able to live their lives. So here before eating our meals, we always say “Annadaataa Sukhi Bhavah”(May the giver of food be happy).. In this three people get covered. First is the farmer. Second is the business man who reaches it to people’s home. Because if the businessman doesn’t reach it properly then the farmer also suffers and the people also suffer.. because of improper distribution, people stay hungry and the crops also go to waste.. A businessman will indulge in malpractices only if he is unhappy or unhealthy. The person who is content from within will never do harm to others. Right? So we pray that the businessman stays happy and righteous, then he will not exploit the farmers.. Third is the woman in the house should be happy. If she cries and makes food then you will cry after eating the food! So that is how you pray to God for all three to be happy. Actually if you look at it the Annadaataa is God only and He is always happy! But in the worldly plane the three people who give us food, we pray to that that One God that they remain happy. We should do this everyday before or after our meals. World over there is a tradition to pray before we start anything. When we came to this world we were dependent on someone else, for eating, bathing etc. And when we grow old also we become dependent. And in between too we are dependent on someone or another. We are dependent on society, on each other. If realize that this dependency of ours is on God then we become strong. Even in a state of helplessness we get strength. Ques: All the Gurus and saints have spoken about a new birth or renaissance. In what form should the rebirth or renaissance be? #SriSri: The renaissance has begun already. It has begun few years back. People have woken up. And it should continue with the same enthusiasm and the same speed. That is necessary. For that people in power should be cautious and support this renaissance. I’m sure they will do it. Ques: I see myself and other teachers don’t practice basic course point and it disturbs me. What to do? #SriSri: It’s good that you feel the pinch. When you feel the pinch, that is a safety valve. If you are oblivious to you not following the teaching, then it is trouble. The moment you recognize that there are shortcomings in you, you are very sane.. you are only a treader on the path. You are walking the path and you are guiding the people who are coming there. So this will only bring humility to you and the same time you will know that knowledge is precious. No doubt you are not following 100% but you can never deny that you are following at least 80%. So even if you are not following the course points or knowledge 100%, . And there are people who have not even understood or even started the journey! For them you can be of real help. One more thing, you teach others to learn. As you are teaching you are also learning. And you are refreshing the knowledge. Instead sitting and feeling sorry for yourself and blaming yourself and others it is better to start teaching. Otherwise what is the other option? You will sit and blame yourself, yes I am weak.. you will get into guilt and self-blame. This is the worst thing that can happen to someone in this position. So that’s why when you are on the path you always have a Guru or a Master. Then you leave the weakness with the Master.. Do as much as you can. Don’t be too hard on yourself. It is good that you recognize that you don’t follow all the knowledge but you have an intention to follow it. That is good. SO just move on. Don’t get off the path and blame yourself. This is no good. If you feel like that come and sit in an Advanced Program or Blessing Program and wash it all out. Because this life is a journey and you have to keep moving till you find perfection. And slowly and steadily you will definitely get there.. Leave your shortcomings to Me. Ques: What sustains love? Why do I sometimes feel love and sometimes feel no love at all? #SriSri: Love is also a gift. When it comes feel grateful and when it is not there, there is longing for it and prayer will arise out of it, poems will arise out of it.. When there is longing that is when poems will come, prayers will happen and many miracles can happen in your life. So enjoy it. Ques: Please talk about time and space. What lies beyond time? #SriSri: First of all go into meditation and you will realize there is space and there is space. Everything happens in space. At that time you can also know that there is no time, at all. It’s in the mind. Ques: Is the relationship with Guru eternal? Are we going to be together for lifetimes? #SriSri: Why, do you not want to finish the journey in this lifetime? Why are you postponing it? You are asking a very tricky question to catch me on the wrong foot! No this lifetime you better do your job! Don’t postpone it. Ques: Once you are enlightened, then what? #SriSri: This is called ‘Ati Prashan’. Then what else? First you get to that stage. Then I will tell you what is next. Ques: Getting love is painful, not getting love is even more painful and maintaining love is also painful! Which pain should I choose? #SriSri: Choice is yours, blessing is mine! If you want to choose pain you are most welcome. But I tell you, choose bigger pain than all these small things. Love for the whole humanity. Love for the planet, love for the animals. Animals do have rights to exist. You have no right to take their life away. So worry about all those things. Look into the eyes of those pigs, those chickens. Look into the eyes of the cows, calves, dogs. This entire creation is filled with love. And how people can slaughter that, just to fill their little tummy? It is not even healthy! This is unfortunate. We should worry about that. Ques: It was easier in the olden times to get peace in ashram, than now. #SriSri: Be in the present moment. Listen to the knowledge points. There were lesser people in the older days now there are more people. When there are more people here, there is more possibility for you to share your wisdom share your knowledge and develop patience! You should also grow. You can’t be stuck thirty years back. Thirty years back you were interacting with ten people. Today you are interacting with one thousand people. So we should expand as the time goes. You should not just shrink into a shell. We have said Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. We have accepted the whole world as your family. Then you should rise up to that ideal. Feel at home with anyone and everybody. Don’t always focus on what is comfortable for you and what is not comfortable for you. You should get out of your comfort zone and bring comfort to others. This is what is important. Ask how many people are comfortable with you. As you expand you become friendly with different people from different parts of the world. Here there is a mix of people from all religions and from every state of India. So their behaviours will be different, their language is different, their food habits are different, their mannerisms are different. So be willing to learn and bring comfort to others.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:24:39 +0000

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