St. Joseph Calasanz was the first educator to advocate the - TopicsExpress


St. Joseph Calasanz was the first educator to advocate the preventive method: it is better to anticipate mischievous behavior than to punish it. This method was later developed by St John Bosco, the founder of the Salesian Schools. In terms of discipline, and contrary to the prevailing philosophy of his own and subsequent eras, Calasanz favoured the mildest punishment possible. While believing that punishment was necessary in certain cases, he always preached moderation, love and kindness as the basis of any discipline. ‘We must punish with great compassion for that is part of our name and the charity in which believe’ (20 June 1624). ‘I wish to remind you that punishment should be used with discretion. The children should be treated with great kindness’ (18 December 1626). ‘In punishing the children, be kind rather than severe’ (10 October 1643). Discipline had to be based on firmness and kindness, its main aim being to prevent bad behaviour. If instances of bad behaviour occurred, the main concern should be to avoid a thoughtless reaction and, when the time came to take action, to impose discipline in a way that ensured that the pupil’s behavior would improve.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 16:29:18 +0000

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