Staci Appel Issues Independent Voice for Iowans As a mother - TopicsExpress


Staci Appel Issues Independent Voice for Iowans As a mother of six, Staci Appel knows that Washington is broken and that partisan bickering is preventing even basic things from getting done. Staci is a former financial consultant who helped Iowans save for college and their retirement, she’ll put Iowa middle class families ahead of partisanship to help grow Iowa’s economy, support public education and keep the promise of Social Security and Medicare. In the State Senate, Staci eliminated waste, with her government reorganization bill that helped save taxpayers millions. And she did it by bringing people together to solve problems. Women’s Health As the first woman from Iowa to serve in Congress, she will protect reproductive freedom so that women can make their own health care decisions and fight to ensure that women’s health care gains are not rolled back. Staci is proud to have the endorsement of EMILY’s List, Women’s Campaign Fund and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and is steadfast in her support of women’s right to privacy and access to preventative care. Education In Iowa, Staci helped lead the way to expand pre-school education to every 4-year old. In Washington, Staci will support Head Start programs and fight to keep college accessible and affordable with Pell Grants and Stafford Loans that are the best tools to give our kids the chance to compete for the 21st century jobs. Staci will stand firm against attacks on public education by opposing private school vouchers and other attempts to undermine public school funding. Farming and Agriculture Staci knows the challenges Iowa’s farmers are facing maintaining our place as the breadbasket to the world. Unfortunately, Congress has lost track of the importance of Agriculture – by dragging its feet and playing partisan games with key legislation, like the Farm Bill. She will also fight to ensure that Iowa farmers continue to have equal access to markets so they can deliver the products the world have come to depend on. Jobs and the Economy For 12 years, Staci worked as a financial consultant, where she helped families plan for their children’s education and retirement and knows how important it is to support our job creators in Iowa, and will cut red tape, regulations and create a climate that allows small businesses to create jobs. Appel supports free and fair trade. She believes we have to hold our foreign trade partners accountable for human rights, environmental and treaty violations, because only when we do, will our manufacturers, small factories and American workers have a level playing field to compete and win in the global marketplace. Alternative Energy and Climate Change Iowa has long been a model for the nation and the world for innovation in production and development of wind turbines as well as bio fuels like ethanol. Staci believes in providing tax credits to small businesses that harness our wind, solar and other resources to continue supporting Iowa’s national leadership in alternative energy. She’ll also stand with Iowa’s corn growers, fighting against attempts to roll back the ethanol blend requirements for gasoline. Reversing the damage created by climate change will take generations, and elected officials have a moral responsibility to do everything within their power to not only reduce carbon pollution, but to leave our children a world safer from extreme weather conditions. That’s why Staci will fight for an “all of the above”, bipartisan approach to combating climate change that includes revenue neutral, market-based solutions to reduce carbon pollution as well as new recycling initiatives, improved fuel efficiency standards, and old growth forest protection.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:10:08 +0000

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