#StandWithRickPerry Dead Skunks, National Politics, and Blue Dot - TopicsExpress


#StandWithRickPerry Dead Skunks, National Politics, and Blue Dot Democrats – The back story of the indictment of Gov. Perry. Texas is a pretty good sized piece of real estate – 268,581 square miles give or take, and a population of about 26.5 million which works out to be about 7 acres per person. Near the center lays Travis County with an area of 1,022 square miles and a population of about 1.1 million or about 1 and 5/8th people per acre. Dead center in the County lays our State Capitol, the 11th-most populous city in the United States of America and the fourth-most populous city in the state of Texas – Austin, with an area of 271.8 square miles and a population of about 845,000 or 4 and 7/8th people per acre (7 on Football game day Saturdays when t.u. is in session). For perspective, New York City has a density of 43 per acre or one person every 30 ft in all directions, and my little town of Walnut Springs (Pop.827) has a density of 1 and 1/4th per acre. Austin is well, Austin…it’s weird. It defies description and must be experienced to fully understand. Depending on your viewpoint it is either Sodom and Gomorra or Shangri-La or somewhere in between. It is home to literally dozens of institutes of higher learning and the greatest exhibit in the world of comedy and buffoonery (when the State legislature is in session). It has 5 star French and Italian restaurants, BBQ joints, Taquarias, Steak houses, Pho shops, lunch wagons, and eateries of all devices. The women can be seen in public wearing anything from pasties and a G-string to burqua’s. Foot ware can be Lucchese and Jimmy Choo to Birkenstocks and bare feet. You can shop at Prada and Hermes or Walmart and Family Dollar. It is populated by slickers, kickers, hippies, yippies, freethinkers and, when the Legislature is in session, thieves. Artists, musicians, actors, inventors and moviemakers reside there. There is 6th Street, SXSW, The Driscoll Hotel, Zilker Park, Barton Springs, Lady Bird Lake, roving flocks of green parrots and the Congress Street Bridge - home to the world’s largest urban population of Mexican Free Tailed Bats which may partially explain why most of the city’s population are Bat Shit Crazy liberal democrats. Now, in the south, and Texas in particular, we are proud of our crazies and we don’t hide them, we put them out on front porch where everybody can keep an eye on them so they don’t hurt anyone. Most Texans view Austin as sort of a cross between Disneyland and a wild game preserve with a healthy dose of San Francisco, Las Vegas, and New Orleans and a pinch of Los Angles and New York thrown in for flavor. We love Austin, you can see bumper stickers all over the state that read “Preserve Texas – Keep Austin WEIRD” Due to Austin being in Travis County and vagaries in State law dating back to Reconstruction and the 1876 Constitution, the Travis County District Attorney is responsible for representing the State and the People of Texas as well as the County in certain legal matters hence State funding for the office. Again, due to Reconstruction, the Office of Governor is politically relatively weak with his only real power being line item veto authority. In fact State political power runs as follows: 1) Lieutenant-Governor who runs the State Legislature, which meets for 90 days once every two years, when the democrats aren’t hiding in Oklahoma to prevent a quorum. 2) State Railroad Commissioner who is in charge Oil and Gas production. 3) Travis County District Attorney due to his State wide prosecutorial powers for matters concerning State government {more on this later}. 4) State Agriculture Commissioner. 5) Governor. The election cycle for Travis County District Attorney coincides with the Presidential General elections so there is a usually a pretty good voter turnout averaging about 2/3rd’s of registered voters. In the 2012 General elections, Travis County had 635,300 registered voters. Thanks to the Governors efforts to clean up the voter rolls, I don’t think too many of them were dead. Of the 635,300 voters registered, 391,708 voted in the election. The current District Attorney and vodka connoisseur, Rosemary Lehmberg, received 256,265 votes which was 100% of the votes cast for the Office as she was running for re-election unopposed. Lehmberg started with the Travis County DA’s office in 1976 as an assistant to her immediate predecessor Ronald Earle (DA ’76-’09) who was first elected that year. Together they formed the Public Integrity Unit of the Special Prosecution Division of the Travis County District Attorney’s Office to investigate and prosecute public corruption. This in itself was not a bad thing as Texas politics has a history of being a little hinky ( ref. Landslide Lyndon, Billy Sol Estes, Sharpstown, Ma and Pa Ferguson, Duval County, et.al.). As Texas and the nation turned more Republican, Earle began to use the Public Integrity Unit as the Democrats personnel rabid attack Chihuahua against Texas Republican leaders on the national scale. He indicted Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, who was not a fan of his office when she was State Treasurer, three times finally resulting in a Court Directed verdict of Not Guilty so he couldn’t indict her again. In apparent retaliation for Rep. Tom DeLay’s efforts to undo the Democrats draconian 1990 Re-Districting Gerrymander, when DeLay was named House Majority Leader, Earle empaneled no less than eight Grand Juries to indict him on campaign finance fraud (1st No billed, 2nd indictment tossed by the Court due to severe lack of credible evidence and hearsay, 3rd through 7th No billed, 8th indicted) which lead to DeLay’s resignation from Congress in 2006. DeLay was convicted in 2010 by a jury from Houston (another Blue bastion) but that conviction was overturned in 2013 by the Appellate Court which issued a full acquittal on all charges. The current DA, Lehmberg, has informed the Court that she will be filing an appeal of this decision. Earle, emboldened by his success in bringing down a major Republican player and, aspiring to higher office, chose not to run for re-election in 2008 and campaigned heavily for Lehmberg in the primaries. She ran unopposed in the general election and took office in 2009. Earle has been unsuccessful in his bid for higher office so far. The legal work of the Travis County District Attorneys Public Integrity Unit has been admonished by the Courts as vindictive fishing expiditions, shoddy, inept, and outright laughable on numerous occasions. In 2013 Rosemary Lehmberg, the Travis County District Attorney, was arrested for DWI with a B.A.C. in excess of 3 times the legal limit. Her arrest and booking was captured on film which is available on the internet. She did not exhibit a particularly high level of integrity. She repeatedly claimed that she had only had “two glasses of wine” despite the open bottle of vodka on the front seat of her car which in itself is a separate offence she was not charged with. During her arrest and booking she resisted arrest, attempted to assault the officers, and threatened the officer’s employment, all felonies she was not charged with. She was also not charged with the traffic violations she was observed committing prior to being stopped. She plead guilty to DWI and received the maximum sentence of 45 days in jail and a $4000 fine. She also had her Law license suspended for 180 days. She served 29 days before being released to attend court mandated rehab. Had she been incarcerated for 30 days her Law license would have been in jeopardy of permanent revocation with the State Bar and she would have faced State ethics charges. She has apparently remained sober since release other than the self admitted “ two glasses of wine” she had on the plane flight to the rehab center, which is another violation she wasn’t charged with. Gov. Perry’s indictment charges stem from his public statements that Lehmberg had lost the confidence of the State and the people of Texas and she should resign her office, and that he could not in good conscience and would not provide State funding to the Public Integrity Unit when it would be overseen by someone who had exhibited such poor integrity. She did not resign and he line item vetoed the units state funding for the next two years. In full disclosure, the Public Integrity Unit was at the time investigating a medical supply company’s dealings with the state that Gov. Perry had political ties with. That investigation has ceased. And, Gov. Perry would have appointed Lehmberg’s successor had she resigned. I pose to you this question. Do you really want a few dozen Bat Shit Crazy people, handpicked by a vindictive DA elected by less than 1/4th of a percent of the American people, on a Grand Jury in central Texas determining your potential choices of candidates for the next Presidential election? This brings us to the “Dead Skunk” which is the indictment. It is dead on arrival but still smells to high heaven. Even liberal activists David Axelrod and Allan Dershowitz are appalled and are trying to avoid the stench. And with that I leave you with the immortal words of Louden Wainwright III. youtu.be/Uu5hzc2Mei4
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 06:36:16 +0000

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