Standing on the precipice on the coming tomorrow of which we have - TopicsExpress


Standing on the precipice on the coming tomorrow of which we have no fathom of what is to come, it is wise to be guarded by the strength and armor of the Lord. You will never walk alone if you only ask for Jesus to be your savior. It is only hard for those who cannot let go of the coat tails of the evil that surrounds us all. That evil will always try to find its way into our lives and into the teachings of our children, our leadership and our clergy. No one is exempt from the temptation of evil. That is why we must hold onto the Word of God and know that He is standing with us against that evil. Look out across the plain of your existence and know where you came from and never forget it. Feel the need for the yearning of tomorrow as it blossoms into what your reality will be transfixed upon. So many have lives that are empty and void of any material strength of the chasm that is known as our character. Think about those around you and have pity upon those who know not the Lord, but have only angst and misery within their lifeless eyes. I see so many out there that seem to have no soul that has been brought to the surface for people to see. They only show the hard, cold and horror filled life they lead. Their lives has a tempest that drags upon the happiness of others. Look beyond that and see the time that is left and know that it is coming quickly that we will return to the dust from which we came. We are only here on borrowed time from our Father in Heaven. He knows what is the best thing for each and every one of us. Some are destined to have riches while others will toil to have a meager existence. That is what life is about and what we can make of that life. Remember that all the riches in the world will not let you through those gates if you don’t know Jesus. That is why He said, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” Those who are gentle, kind and do have true worry for his fellow man are the ones who will walk the streets of gold and be blessed from upon high because they believed. Those shadows you left behind in yesterday are just that shadows. You cannot change what might have happened yesterday, but you can correct yourself for today and tomorrow. Time is our greatest enemy in life. It seems we never have enough time just to be kind to one another anymore. Yes, time is creeping by quicker than you may realize. Think about how much time will have elapsed just reading this article. We cannot regain that time and it is part of what goes into the drawer of life. A place that holds all our yesterdays and fills our minds of what we can and can not do. Lift your eyes and see that you have walked a long and winding path that has led to this point. A point filled with all the things that have been accomplished and lost in your lives. Never turn away from being just that simple person the Lord thy God wanted you to be. Reach out a hand in friendship and know that you are loved. Your path may cross with those you consider to be friends and then just as a switch is turned they are gone. Then suddenly you might cross a path once again with that person you once called a friend. They have changed just as you have changed as well. The circumstances will never be the same and the feelings will never be the same, but you can rekindle a new friendship based on today and not yesterday. Give your lives the hope and dreams that you always have sought and wondered what might be and why it never happened. Questions that will only be answered on a quiet walk to be with the Lord. You can argue, fuss, try to fight, but you will never win over time. Enjoy the ride because it is well worth the trip. May God Bless Pastor Mike Moon, D.D. The Cottage Ministries of Henry County
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 07:39:41 +0000

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